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Thread: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

  1. #51
    Border Desperado Tori's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    This is an awesome interview! Thanks, TK!
    ~ Tori

  2. #52
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer View Post
    I thought that was a really interesting interview - sheds a little bit more light about the album. Thanks for posting the link, TK.

    But, I guess I'm surprised that folks are surprised that Glenn would compliment Felder's guitar playing. As Freypower said, he has done that many times over the years. Besides if he didn't think Felder was a great guitar player - why would they have wanted him in the band?
    Well I look at it like this - he and Felder had a bitter, nasty ending and do not like each other and it's unusual for him to talk about him positively post firing. I'm not surprised he said he's a great guitar player. I am surprised he is saying anything nice to Felder period.

  3. #53
    Border Desperado
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Thanks for the link. I like hearing them talk about their songs; really enjoyed listening.

  4. #54
    Border Rebel Windeagle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Finally had a chance to listen to this interview. Thanks for posting. I loved them talk about the songs and how Joe was integrated into the band.

  5. #55
    Stuck on the Border
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    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post
    Well I look at it like this - he and Felder had a bitter, nasty ending and do not like each other and it's unusual for him to talk about him positively post firing. I'm not surprised he said he's a great guitar player. I am surprised he is saying anything nice to Felder period.
    Glenn has not talked about Felder at all since Felder was fired. AT ALL. He has not said one word about Felder since 2001. However, the point is that Glenn was very complimentary about Felder in quite a few interviews BEFORE the band reformed. I would like to quote chapter & verse, but I can't.

    ETA: I haven't had time to listen to this interview so I don't know when it was conducted. However if it was conducted recently, Glenn is still hardly going to say 'Don Felder was an a*hole', is he? Glenn is a professional.

    Also, when Glenn talked/talks about Felder in interviews, he talked about their professional relationship as musicians. He never talked, to my knowledge, about their difficult personal relationship. I think it's important to stress that. Glenn has never criticised Felder in public.

    On the other hand, Felder's book spent a great deal of time trashing Glenn on a personal basis and had precisely nothing good to say about Glenn as a musician. While this is understandable to a degree, Glenn has never responded to it and I suspect never will.
    Last edited by Freypower; 12-28-2011 at 01:57 AM.

  6. #56
    Stuck on the Border EaglesKiwi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    Quote Originally Posted by Freypower View Post
    On the other hand, Felder's book spent a great deal of time trashing Glenn on a personal basis and had precisely nothing good to say about Glenn as a musician. While this is understandable to a degree, Glenn has never responded to it and I suspect never will.
    I agree that Glenn will probably never address this directly, however with the 40th anniversary coming up and various things supposedly in the pipeline (per Glenn's Niagara Falls comments plus some from DH and JW in interviews) - and even a musical!! - are they going to be addressing the history of the band?

    It will be interesting to see how it's handled.

    Such a big deal has been made over DF and Glenn not getting along - and yet probably all of us have had lousy relationships with work colleagues as well (for whatever reasons) and have had to handle it in the best way we could - it's not unusual.

    I am guessing/hoping that they will show the immense contribution of each of the former Eagles. At the same time they can show that they continue to be great - both performing and writing - in their current incarnation.

  7. #57
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    Default Re: Eagles videos on YouTube or other sites

    Quote Originally Posted by Freypower View Post
    Glenn has not talked about Felder at all since Felder was fired. AT ALL. He has not said one word about Felder since 2001.
    That's my point exactly.

    I realize and know he has complimented Felder's playing in prior interviews but my point is he hadn't said boo about Felder after he was fired until this interview, when he brought up his guitar playing. I realize in the past pre-firing he had praised his ability as a player. Obviously, the guy is an underrated guitar god.

    I didn't think he would have said "Don Felder is an a-hole", FP, but I didn't think he'd say anything nice about him either ESPECIALLY after what Felder has said/wrote about him after he got fired. I figured he would just never mention Felder again. Although I clearly realize Glenn would never bash Felder in public or use profanity against him, I didn't think he'd say anything complimentary or even mention his name again, either.

  8. #58
    Stuck on the Border
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    I understand that Austin, but on the other hand how could Glenn just attempt to airbrush Felder out of the band's history like the way the Soviet Union leaders used to 'revise' history and make certain people 'unpersons' if you like. It would not have looked very good if he had tried to do so & he is not that sort of person.

    As EK says there may be more of this to come if this 'history' is released.

  9. #59
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freypower View Post
    I understand that Austin, but on the other hand how could Glenn just attempt to airbrush Felder out of the band's history like the way the Soviet Union leaders used to 'revise' history and make certain people 'unpersons' if you like. It would not have looked very good if he had tried to do so & he is not that sort of person.

    As EK says there may be more of this to come if this 'history' is released.
    True. I understand that. It's just shocking to me is all. If a guy said those things about me, I would probably say something back not very nice or clean, if not just never mention them again no matter how good of a player he was. And I like Felder a lot as a player, he's my second favorite. You can guess who's first! Glenn handled it better than I would have. I don't take kindly to criticism of any kind, attacks, insults, confrontation, or any negative statement towards me.

  10. #60
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Well, personally I'm very glad about the way that Glenn has handled the entire situation with Felder. He has chosen to stay "above the fray" instead of being petty, bitter, and mean-spirited. Too bad that hasn't been reciprocated. It takes a much classier person to rise above the mudslinging than it does to throw stones. Personally, I have no interest in hearing grown, whiny men air their dirty laundry in public. JMHO

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