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Thread: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

  1. #61
    Stuck on the Border Glennhoney's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post
    True. I understand that. It's just shocking to me is all. If a guy said those things about me, I would probably say something back not very nice or clean, if not just never mention them again no matter how good of a player he was. And I like Felder a lot as a player, he's my second favorite. You can guess who's first! Glenn handled it better than I would have. I don't take kindly to criticism of any kind, attacks, insults, confrontation, or any negative statement towards me.
    I've always believed that Glenn was (is) a better man than most people give him credit for (or NOT give him credit for)....I don't understand why a lot of people think like this...I know he was brash and cocky in his younger days, but people do grow up at some point...

  2. #62
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Quote Originally Posted by Glennhoney View Post
    I've always believed that Glenn was (is) a better man than most people give him credit for (or NOT give him credit for)....I don't understand why a lot of people think like this...I know he was brash and cocky in his younger days, but people do grow up at some point...
    I agree Glenn handled it well.

    As far as me and how I would respond - if you mess with the bull, you get the horns. Period. I put up with and tolerated a lot of insults and nasty things said about me when I was younger. Now I'm not afraid to stick up for myself and dish out a bit of their own medicine back to them. I'm a very sensitive individual and I can't just brush it off and I can become offended or upset rather easily. It is just the way I was born and can't help it. That said when no one is making me upset, I'm one of the nicest people I know. In other words, I'm nice until someone gives me a reason not to be. Then watch out because fur will fly.
    Last edited by WalshFan88; 12-28-2011 at 10:45 PM.

  3. #63
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Quote Originally Posted by Glennhoney View Post
    I've always believed that Glenn was (is) a better man than most people give him credit for (or NOT give him credit for)....I don't understand why a lot of people think like this...I know he was brash and cocky in his younger days, but people do grow up at some point...
    He has a very difficult job, for which in my view he receives insufficient credit. He has in my view natural leadership ability but it cannot always be easy to deal with the conflicting egos & situations. It will be interesting early next year to see how he handles having to promote 'himself' instead of the band, however briefly he may choose to do that.

  4. #64
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Anybody can be nice to people who don't upset them. I think it's a hallmark of strong men to deal maturely with people who do upset them. A strong, mature man can rise above the situation and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" so to speak. Glenn is one of those men, and I admire that.

    That said, he did obliquely refer to the conflict in an interview with Robert Wuhl a few months ago. He did so in calm, professional manner without throwing around nasty comments that attacked Felder personally. His behavior in this situation has been above reproach, IMHO.

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  5. #65
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    I agree that Glenn has taken the high road here & not said negative things about Felder, but that had not been the case in the past. I have a lot of mixed feelings about the way Felder was treated in the band, & he does have the right to give his opinion, however this was an interview, not a book. If Glenn were to do a bio, he may not be so kind to Don Felder. In a brief interview, he was not going to get into any bashing or negativity when the interview was about the 35th anniversary of Hotel California, which Felder did have a hand in, so it was all appropriate.

  6. #66
    Stuck on the Border Glennhoney's Avatar
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Anybody can be nice to people who don't upset them. I think it's a hallmark of a strong man to deal maturely with people who do upset them. A strong, mature man can rise above the situation and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" so to speak. Glenn is one of those men, and I admire that.

    That said, he did obliquely refer to the conflict in an interview with Robert Wuhl a few months ago. He did so in calm, professional manner without throwing around nasty comments that attacked Felder personally. His behavior in this situation has been above reproach, IMHO.

    WELL SAID!!!!!!

  7. #67
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    Default Re: Celebration of "Hotel California" Album!

    Quote Originally Posted by Topkat View Post
    In a brief interview, he was not going to get into any bashing or negativity when the interview was about the 35th anniversary of Hotel California, which Felder did have a hand in, so it was all appropriate.
    Well said! I completely agree.
    Last edited by WalshFan88; 12-29-2011 at 11:08 PM.

  8. #68
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Well, I don’t believe most of us here have a problem with anyone criticizing any of the band members if there is evidence to warrant the criticism. I’ve certainly done so myself in the past. However, I’m not sure what the criticism is here about Glenn. Topkat and Austin, you give faint praise to Glenn for taking the high road, but then you say that has not been the case in the past. When did Glenn ever publicly criticize Felder? I can’t think of anytime that has happened, but I could be wrong. As Topkat said in an earlier post, “I hadn’t really heard Glenn say much about Felder in past interviews.” And, of course, Felder has a right to give his opinion. Again, none of us know the facts - we can only go by the accounts that have been given to us. Felder has given us his side, so others have a right to agree with him or dispute the facts based on what we do know. As we have said, we have very little information from Glenn, so I guess the only thing we can criticize him for is what he might say if he ever decides to speak publicly about their relationship.

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  9. #69
    Stuck on the Border
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    Dreamer, I am giving more than "faint praise", to be sure. I was mainly agreeing with Topkat's other comments. I don't know of any previous comments Glenn has made about Felder. I was agreeing he handled the HC anniversary interview well. I guess I should have highlighted it.

  10. #70
    Stuck on the Border
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    In Rolling Stone's Top 500 albums HC is #37 & I would like to thank them for calling New Kid In Town 'glorious'.

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