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Thread: London, England 30 March 2010

  1. #1
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default London, England 30 March 2010

    I'm on my way home right now, but I couldn't resist checking in on my phone. I love the fact that two new pages have been filled since I last looked. Great job at keeping 'em updated, Willie!

    I'll post in detail when I get home and obviously show you guys the pics. Oh my gosh, it was amazing! Tim sounded fantastic, and he was so adorable. The audience loved it! Seeing Paul Carrack was awesome, too.

    And meeting him... Aaaaaahhhh. I still can't believe it! It was brief, but he was lovely. And gave me two orange TBS picks - one of which I'm mailing to Willie. So, so cool. I feel incredibly lucky and pretty high right now!

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
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  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border tequila girl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Troubadour View Post
    I feel incredibly lucky and pretty high right now!
    Wow!! I'll bet you do, can't wait to hear all about it!

    There is no more new frontier - we have got to make it here

  3. #3
    Border Rebel cynd1231's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    Feeling a bit edgy right now.....will keep checking back for more news. And how danged lucky is Lou....must be over the moon!
    I just need a little downtime.........

  4. #4
    Border Desperado Toonlass's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    A little treat for you ladies before I go to bed (I have work tomorrow at 11am and its nearly 1am now!)

    We had a great time at the show, sang along, clapped to everything (and mostly in time too!) and at the end we were given picks as well! I also managed to get a little note from me, WM and Gemma to Timothy's guitar tech who was lovely and brought WM a pick after Tim ran out!

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    OOOOOOOOOO, can't wait for more dets!!! You lucky gals!!! So happy for you!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    Thanks for the prompt pic post, TL! I can't wait to read more!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  7. #7
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    Darn it! I thought it was you guys in the front row, but I wasn't sure. I should have come and said hello. I saw Tim hand your picks to you at the end - too cool!

    Well, I got home a few minutes ago, and I'm armed with a coffee and the mental notes I made during the evening. The show was absolutely fantastic! Cadogan Hall is a beautiful venue, and Tim seemed thrilled to play there. He mentioned a few times that he'd love to play in the UK again. "Spread the word, and hopefully I can come back!" He sounded amazing, and I heard numerous people comment on how great his voice is, which made me smile. It really does seem that the UK is embracing Tim fully.

    As Willie mentioned earlier, the doors opened at 7.30, the support act played from 8-8.30 and then there was an interval before Tim came on at 9pm. I must mention how brilliant the support, Nell Brydon, was - check her out! She's a New Yorker, but she's been living in London for a couple of months. She said that she's been with Tim on his UK dates and that not only is he a wonderful musician, he's also "a really great guy".

    During Nell's set, we saw Jean wander out of a door to the right of the stage and sit down at the edge of the auditorium. That was pretty cool. My mum recognised her from HFO! lol.

    By the interval, I really couldn't wait to see Tim. We had great seats and I knew we were in for a treat. As you can see from Toonlass's picture, he was wearing jeans, a dark blue t-shirt and a plaid shirt open over the top. (One up for the plaid shirt brigade! ) He looked great and sounded even better. I won't go through the songs one by one - partly because I can't remember the order! Maybe the other girls can help me out with this. - but I'll highlight the bits I remember.

    Downtime is still my favourite song from Expando. It sounded awesome live, and I completely floated away every time he launched into the chorus! Other standouts were A Good Day (really love this one), One More Mile, and obviously Parachute. Ella Jean sounded better live, in my opinion, too. Tim told a cute story before he sang it, explaining that it's about his wife. He said that she had to go away to work, and they thought it would be for about a week, so he was like "It's cool, I'm working on this album so I'll be kinda tied up over here anyway..." But he said, then it turned into five weeks, quipping that "The poor thing was stuck in HAWAII." Everyone laughed as he commented that it must have been horrendous for her. He said he wrote Ella Jean as a present for Jean, and that he's thrilled it's now being played on UK radio.

    There was a women behind me who yelled out "I Can't Tell You Why!" early on, which irritated me. I just think it's kind of disrespectful when Tim is doing this show for his new album... but I know people want to hear the hits. I'm pretty sure Tim heard her, as he kind of paused and then went up to the mic and said "Let's do the FIRST song off my new album." Then, a few songs later, Tim was handed his bass and said, a little sarcastically: "Look! I've got my BASS on!" Another guy shouted out "I Can't Tell You Why!" and Tim was like "Easy there, big fella." and launched into ICTYW. He handled it fine, but I can see how it could become a little disheartening to play your new songs but have people mainly interested in the songs you've performed a million times with your band. I guess that's the way it goes, though. I've got to say, overall, the audience was really receptive and seemed to enjoy the Expando songs. There were a few Poco fans around, by the sound of things too!

    There was a cute moment when Tim introduced the ladies that were singing with him on a few songs (Secular Praise, White Boy From Sacramento, etc.) He said that he loves having them on stage with him, and that they're "the frosting on the cake". Then he added, amused: "I said that at my last show and a guy called out 'It's the icing on the cake'." Tim did an impression of the guy in a British accent, and it was so funny. He continued: "So they're the ICING on the cake."

    He was really chatty between songs, and seemed to have a great rapport with his band. He was very sincere when he introduced each of them, talking about their individuals talents in a very unrehearsed, genuine way. He mentioned that he was on the Simon Mayo show in the UK a little while ago, and that he had to sing a song from The Great British Song Book (which all Simon Mayo guests are asked to do.) He said "I chose this one. I haven't performed it in public yet, so..." It was Steve Winwood's Can't Find My Way Home, and he sounded awesome. A real treat!

    A while later, he started talking a little about the Eagles, and then said "It's special guest night tonight..." (I will admit, I freaked out for about two seconds!) Then he introduced Paul Carrack. He looked around for Paul to emerge from the doors on the stage, but he actually ran down the aisle just to the left of me, from the back of the theatre. Maybe he had been in the bar, I'm not sure. But again, it was a treat to see them perform together. They did I Don't Want To Hear Any More and Love Will Keep Us Alive.

    There was another cute moment when Tim was talking about his Poco days. He said "When I looked about 14." A woman called out "You still do!" He laughed and then started to smooth down his hair, saying in a kind of girly voice "It's the lights. And my make-up. And my mom's good genes..." He was really warm and had a great sense of humour. When he was handed a guitar at another point, the strap kind of got tangled in his hair, so the guy was helping him to get his locks free! Tim frowned and laughed and then helped with his hair, saying "Gotta be well-coiffed."

    I'm sure there are bits I'm forgetting, but I'll add them if or when I think of them. It was an absolutely amazing night though - Tim got a standing ovation, and the general vibe of the audience as we were leaving was impressed and upbeat. He made everyone feel good.

    When we left, we hung around for a couple of minutes before heading off to the station. We hadn't really planned to wait by the stage door, but there was a car waiting right there, and a few people milling around... it just seemed as if Tim was going to come out soon. Anyway, we were just about to leave when we saw Jean emerge and get into the car. Tim followed a minute later, and there was a few of us there. He signed a few things and said a couple of things in French to some French fans! Unfortunately I didn't have anything to sign (duh), but he said hello and I said how much I loved the show. He was really sweet, although it was obvious he was in a bit of a rush. He seemed to want to stay, but then he looked up and was like "I'm sorry guys, I really have to go..." but then he said "Here, I've got some presents for you." and handed a bunch of picks to a woman. He said in a mock-stern way; "Now, SHARE 'EM OUT. Don't keep them all - promise me?" It was really cute! He then handed a couple to me, said thanks, and got in the car. He gave a wave once he was in the car. It was brief, but cool! Just to be that close to him, say a couple of words and get some eye contact was AWESOME. Not to mention the picks... they really were the icing on the cake!

    Don't go anywhere... photos coming next.

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  8. #8
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    Love this next one. So cute!

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  9. #9
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    This one totally makes me smile.

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  10. #10
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timothy in London, 30 March 2010

    More, more, more!


    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

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