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Thread: The Eagles Ebay and Sales Alert Thread

  1. #1
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default The Eagles Ebay and Sales Alert Thread

    I thought we could start a thread to alert fellow fans to active auctions of cool Eagles-relates stuff that we think they might be interested in or discuss stuff being sold online. This is a bit different from the memorabilia thread in that this is designed to clue people in on auctions while bidding is still open, or discuss materials we see getting sold.

    I'll start it off with some Eagles/Glenn stuff that I thought was cool.

    Eagles Illustrated Japan Book 1978 (too rich for my blood but it looks interesting)

    Glenn Frey Pillowcase (sleep with Glenn Frey... sorta)

    Glenn Frey Guitar Pick from Private Las Vegas Cannery Show in 2004 (you may not want the guitar pick, but there's a cute story attached - scroll down for it)

    Glenn Frey POMPOY Sheet Music (really cheap and a good photo on the front)

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  2. #2
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Eagles Ebay Alert Thread

    Ooh, great idea. Thanks for starting this thread, Soda. The pillowcase is cute. Now we can literally drool over Glenn!

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  3. #3
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Eagles Ebay Alert Thread

    LOL Troub!

    How adorable is this shirt?

    Don Henley Sunset Grill T-shirt

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  4. #4
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Eagles Ebay Alert Thread

    That IS nice.

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  5. #5
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Eagles Ebay Alert Thread

    An Eagles playing card - the Ace of Diamonds - now they can trump the Queen of Diamonds who let 'em down.

    These beautiful backstage passes went UNUSED. What a crime!

    LOL at this one - hmm, Don Henley sure looks different!

    I didn't know Don did watch ads!

    And I also didn't know his special guests were Katrina and the Waves in 1985! "I'm walkin' on sunshine... and don't it feel good!"

    I Don Henley shirt or bodysuit! Or how about a Mrs. Don Henley shirt?

    This looks kind of familiar...

    LOL - Don Henley TAROT CARD!

    This cut out of Don crouching would look nice next to any chair or bed!

    OK, that's all my Henley searching for now, I think!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  6. #6
    Moderator Troubadour's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Eagles Ebay Alert Thread

    The description of the quality of the Don EOTI cutout says "Good. Cigarette is a little bit weak." LOL. Don't know why that tickled me so much!

    you better put it all behind you, baby, 'cause life goes on
    you keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside--

  7. #7
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Eagles Ebay Alert Thread

    OK, I had to do some checking for Timothy too...

    There is not one, but two pillowcases

    Get a mousepad or a magnet with Tim on it!

    And once again, this looks familiar!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border whitcap's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Eagles Ebay Alert Thread

    Some Joe stuff!

    Cute behind the scenes photos from 1985

    A pin shaped like one of Joe's guitars from the Hard Rock Cafe

    Some buttons with photos of Joe

    A 1984 "Joe Walsh for President" T-shirt

    This T-shirt
    is AWESOME (scroll down to see front and back)

    A Joe Walsh playing card (4 of Clubs? C'mon, he at least deserves to be a Jack!)

    A jersey worn by Joe and a MLB plaque of Joe's (from the Spero collection - these are pricey!)

    And... a Joe Walsh Beer Can put out by Rolling Stone!

    Finally - an old check of Joe's? Bizarre!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border
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    Dec 2005

    Default Re: The Eagles Ebay Alert Thread

    I've got that Henley tarot card. It was the very first Eagles item I bought on eBay. I thought I was getting cards for the whole band.

    I also have the pillowcase but unsurprisingly I have never been able to use it. I am very proud of the 'Always Glenn Frey' shirt in the form of the Coca Cola logo that I got from Ebay too.

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