Nice review Dave. You did a much better job with your phone than I did with mine - my pictures didn't turn out at all. Oh well I am sure there will be others posting photos around the web since there were many pro photographers and just as many people with their phones and even cameras taking photos around me.
I saw the guy with the three kids that you talked about in your blog. I was in the second row all day with my friends and he tried to encroach on us initially while a few of the group were away getting drinks between shows. Then I saw him encouraging the kids to shove their way up to the fence that first time and the kids refusing to do it. They did leave but he didn't give up. A little later in the show he and the kids came up on the other side of us and he tried to make them do the same thing. They were just as reluctant (to their credit). At the same time he stood beside me and tried to maneuver me out of the way and its not like he couldn't see over me - I am only 5'4"! I do think that the crowd closing in and jockeying for position is the way of these kinds of shows even for people who are initially spread out earlier in the day (we have a concert venue with similar lawn seating) but shoving people out of the way when you are a late arrival is just incredibly rude.
I do have to say even though I was only there for 32 hours I really enjoyed the Aspen/Snomass area and I hope to get back there sometime in the near future to see it again. We had a fantastic time in the short time we were there and it was so much fun to see Nancy, Kay, and Lissa again and to meet Ann and Harold (have we converted him into an Eagles-phile yet?