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Thread: Aspen, CO 09-04-10

  1. #21
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    Welcome to the Border JG61 and CDave and thanks for the review and pics CD. We're always salivating for anything new that has to do with the Eagles!

    Okay girls, I'm anxious to hear more about the show. How close did you get to the stage? Any contact? It all sounds great!

    Thanks to WC for finding those youtube vids.
    ~ Cathy ~

    And I dream I'm on vacation 'Cause I like the way that sounds,
    It's a perfect occupation for me.

  2. #22
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    Quote Originally Posted by Prettymaid View Post
    Welcome to the Border JG61 and CDave and thanks for the review and pics CD. We're always salivating for anything new that has to do with the Eagles!

    Okay girls, I'm anxious to hear more about the show. How close did you get to the stage? Any contact? It all sounds great!

    Thanks to WC for finding those youtube vids.
    We were up against the railing that held the crowd back from the stage! We were a bit right of the centre of the stage & Glenn looked my way a couple of times. He couldn't have hellped but see me so that means he saw Dreamer & WT as they were standing right there with me . Soda, PLS & Harold were a little bit farther down & Harold said he could feel Glenn made eye contact with the 3 of them!

    Still leaving the detailed reports to Soda & Dreamer. I'm still in heaven!!!!

  3. #23
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    Dave, we are staying in Snowmass. Thanks for the tip about the Maroon Bells. We were thinking of going there. It's nice to get an endorsement as it makes us want to visit there even more!

  4. #24
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    Well, I arrived back home late last night, exhausted but very happy as usual. What a show! I can pretty much echo everything the others have said. First of all, a big welcome to our new members here from me as well. Glad you found us.

    I am going to keep my comments rather brief because, unfortunately, I have to do some work today. Soda is going to put up a lot of the details about the show later. We had a very fun weekend! It was great meeting up with everyone and wonderful meeting GL and Harold. Hope the two of you have a wonderful week in the Aspen/Snowmass area.

    Thanks to everyone for the pictures and links to reviews, etc. When I read that review from the Aspen Times writer that Koala posted, I just kind of shook my head and giggled. The thought crossed my mind that it really is impossible to please everyone. It never even occurred to me that Glenn and Joe should do Hotel California at a Party of Two show. But, if they can do Life In the Fast Lane and Desperado, then why not Hotel California?

    Anyway, I could go on and on, but I'll write more later when I get time. One other comment though - Soda and I apparently had the same feeling about watching the crowd transform from the laid back, beachlike scene earlier in the day to the wild, rowdy ready to rock out and dance atmosphere. There was definitely an air of excitement by the time Glenn and Joe took the stage, and they certainly did nothing to discourage the high-energy level.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  5. #25
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    Here you can see a few pics from Glenn and Joe.
    "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation!"
    (Glenn Frey)

  6. #26
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Hedge of Aspen Times
    But for some reason, as the flood lights flashed on over the concert hill and the rock stars left the stage, my girlfriend Hailey and I felt a little gypped of the experience. I didn't quite know why, until she looked at me and said: "They didn't play ‘Hotel California.'"
    <snip as he goes on about this>
    had I paid the $450 for the ticket from my pocket, I might have license to actually be upset.
    Geez. I can't believe this guy spent half the review complaining about Glenn and Joe not playing Hotel California! He doesn't understand, apparently, that the kind of fan that pays $450 for a seat isn't the kind who bases their enjoyment of the show entirely upon whether or not their favorite song is played... and also is the kind of fan that knows a song which features Don Henley on lead is not a song that is even likely to be played. Saturday's exception, LIFTL, was performed by Joe and Glenn as early as 1993, and by Joe solo since the early eighties.

    Another ill-informed reviewer... at least he begrudgingly concedes it "was a good show."

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  7. #27
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    This is the setlist WT mentioned that was handed to Dreamer:

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  8. #28
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    So, after the show (as is my custom) I wrote down our memories so we wouldn't forget anything. Now, this thing will come in parts. First, the day pre-PoT. My next one will be the show itself.

    Setting the Scene
    As has been mentioned previously, we got to the Festival Grounds as early as we could. The first free bus left at 1:30 from Snowmass Mall, and we were on the 1:35. This was in spite of the fact that the doors didn't even open until 2:00.

    The day was absolutely gorgeous. Sunny, but not too bad in the shade, with occasional breezes to give us some relief. As we waited in line to get in (they didn't actually open the doors where we were until 2:15 or so) I kept turning to towards the mountains and surveying the beauty around us. No wonder Glenn has a home here. It's magnificent.

    I was a little surprised at how small the festival was. I expected there to be more to it (only one additional stage; only two minor acts not on the main stage; very few concession booths; only two poorly stocked merch booths). I didn't expect something on the scale of Milwaukee's Summerfest, but to me the word "festival" implies that there's going to be more going on than one main show with a couple opening acts and a couple bands on a stage so far removed from the main area that it might as well not be there. As it was, folks basically went in and camped out in front of the main stage with no other agenda in mind... just like we did!

    Thus, despite our earlybird attempt, we weren't front and center as we had hoped. Our places were hardly bad, however; we were directly behind the folks at the front, only off to the side. The real problem was that a huge camera was blocking the view of one of the microphones from our angle. I hoped to death that Glenn wouldn't be standing there! As the evening progressed and people started to shift, PLS and I wound up at the front against the grate but off to the side. As GL said, she, WT, and Dreamer wound up closer to the center. It was all good.

    And yes, at that point, just about everyone were standing, despite a fact that a few grumbled about wanting to remain in their lawn chairs sipping their Evian. One lady who had arrived after us and was about four rows back had the nerve to demand we (and the other 50 people standing in front of her) step aside so she wouldn't have to get her sorry butt off of her little picnic blanket! The security just gaped at her with this look of "Is she for real?" as her complaints grew louder and more aggressive. Then, like the huge hypocrite she was, she later tried to shove us aside so she could stand at the front too. HELLS NO! You have to be a kid, really old, handicapped, or a head shorter than I am if you want me to step back for you. The obnoxious need not apply.

    But she was the exception, not the rule. Most of the people there were ready to rock out, and the atmosphere was electric as a few thousand people in a big field got ready to party with the Party of Two.

    The opening acts
    First, though, the opening acts. I know this isn't what folks here care terribly much about, but I thought I would give them a mention as I enjoyed them.

    Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings
    Now here was jazz for real. They came out in the early afternoon when we were all relaxing and even I was reluctant to get up and dance. I was wearing boots and wanted to save my feet for our guys. However, they were so great that by the end of the set I was standing and dancing, albeit only for the last few songs. On that lazy sunny afternoon, relaxing on the grass (I didn't have a blanket) felt pretty good. Sadly, the camera blocked me from really seeing Sharon get down, but hey, the music is what's important!

    The Court Yard Hounds
    Aka "The Dixie Chicks Sans Natalie Maines." Since I had just seen the Dixie Chicks a few months ago opening for the Eagles, seeing 2/3 of them open for 1/2 of the Eagles was an amusing circumstance. I think Dreamer was the one who called it "Fractions Day." I enjoyed them. While their voices are not as distinctive as Natalie's, they blend wonderfully together. As far as the songs and the musicianship, the loss of Natalie had zero effect on that! Martie and Emily are very talented. They are also very beautiful, and the guys behind me were practically drooling over them. I heard one guy eagerly asking people around him who "the blonde one" was so he could holler lustfully at her by name. But hey, the ladies truly are gorgeous. I can't blame the guys. Even the women around me were whispering things like "Wow, look at how perfect their makeup is!" "I love their hair!"

    Almost time....
    I have to admit, as good as they were, towards the end I was getting impatient for Glenn and Joe. When the Court Yard Hounds' set ended, the first thing I did was take advantage of the crowd shift to get up to that grate with PLS, Harold right behind us.

    I knew that if I really got down and danced like I wanted to in a setting like this where I was only limited by the amount of space I had, my feet would pay the price. So, I said "Screw it" and took off my high-heeled boots. This is a festival, not a fashion show. Standing barefoot in the grass at the fence dividing the audience from the stage and brimming with excitement from the top of my head down to my newly naked toes, I was more than ready for the show!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  9. #29
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    Quote Originally Posted by Koala View Post
    Re the 'legendary Don Henley' comment: Joe and Glenn are 'legendary' too (apart from being 'old'). Admire Don Henley as much as you wish but he is not and never was the entire reason for the band's success. I think Soda has summed up the 'where was HC' stuff but I will add one more comment. The last thing that song is is 'romanticised'.

  10. #30
    Stuck on the Border MikeA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Party of 2 in Aspen

    If you identified them, please state the supporting musicians in PO2.


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