The local paper, The Desert Sun, ran an article yesterday in its Entertanment section entitled "Don Henley Bares R&B Soul Tonight." Turns out that Henley is putting out two new albums. One is C&W and the other R&B-thus the title of the article. My point-I should have read the article more thoroughly (They had free copies of the paper outside the casino gym.) and I wouldn't have been so surprised when he not only did a George Jones song but closed the show with an R&B song and not "Desperado." Anyway you can read the article for yourselves at this link:
Henley was very talkative last night and looked ten years younger than when I last saw him at Chula Vista with the Eagles in May. He's lost a lot of weight. He looked great and sounded great and of course the audience loved him. What's not to love?
Henley didn't talk about the new albums, that were mentioned in the e-mail interview that he did with The Desert Sun, but he did talk about the sad state of the music business today, how he and Glenn rented a house back in the day in Idyllwild (which we always here anytime he plays anywhere near there) and lastly, how he did Joshua Tree long before U2 did and he did it the old school way "smashed out on peyote." WhooHoo!Those were the days! Rock On.
I got two whole pixs last night and have no idea if they are any good. Still using my 35mm camera so I have to wait for it to be processed to post them. I'd have taken more, the venue was totally camera friendly and Henley could have cared less, but for some odd reason the spare roll of film I brought with me wouldn't load properly.
So long story longer-He did a ninety minute show with a three song encore. I have no idea what the name of the songs were that he covered other than Wham's-"Everybody Wants to Rule The World". Tried to get a set list but the roadies totally ignored us. It was fairly obvious, at least to this fan, that they were hell-bound to pack-up and hit the road for Vegas by midnight.
Finally, I didn't get to swap lies with Henley by the pool over a Coors Light (big news flash) but I did swap hellos with Steuart. I was heading through the lobby to get something out of my car about 2:20 p.m. and we passed each other in the hallway. He was going to get a Starbucks. He was dressed in jeans and had his guitar slung over his left shoulder-real rock and roll baby! As I was passing through the lobby I saw Frank Simes and a couple of other guys standing around talking-no hellos there.
And, that is all the news that is news.Chow Bella!