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Thread: What's your name?

  1. #41
    Stuck on the Border MikeA's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    This is hilarious and I REALLY hate to admit it:

    I saw four web pages of posts in this thread and was having trouble finding the post where an individual name was listed. So I started a spreadsheet, going from post to post setting up a crossreference.

    Then I got to the LAST post in the thread and found that Nancy had already done exactly that!

    I have my options set to show the most current post first, so post #1 is the LAST one in my browser <LOL>

    I'm happy to say though that my list matched Nancy's exactly <ROTF>


  2. #42
    Stuck on the Border tequila girl's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    Hahaha It always pays to start at the beginning Mike!

    There is no more new frontier - we have got to make it here

  3. #43
    Border Desperado Tessa's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    Tessa IS my real name

  4. #44
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeA View Post
    This is hilarious and I REALLY hate to admit it:

    I saw four web pages of posts in this thread and was having trouble finding the post where an individual name was listed. So I started a spreadsheet, going from post to post setting up a crossreference.

    Then I got to the LAST post in the thread and found that Nancy had already done exactly that!

    I have my options set to show the most current post first, so post #1 is the LAST one in my browser <LOL>

    I'm happy to say though that my list matched Nancy's exactly <ROTF>

    But I'm sure your version looks much more professional! lol

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  5. #45
    Stuck on the Border MikeA's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    Actually, it looked IDENTICAL Soda. In fact, as soon as I saw the list you'd put together, I just deleted the one I made.

    Oh well, it gave me something to do during a teleconference! Usually, I just go on mute (and pray that it's working!) and pick up a guitar and noodle some unfamiliar scale pattern. Once, my phone did get clicked off of mute during a meeting. I was plugged in and really gettin' it on. When I heard them complaining on the phone, I shut it off (maybe 3 seconds of 100 DB entertainment!). Told them it was my computer's "alarm" going off reminding me to take my meds. I think they bought it.


  6. #46
    Stuck on the Border Peekaboo's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    Better late than never.

    Peekaboo = Jessica


    Peekaboo = Jess

    or Peek

    or just Pb

    I'm pretty sure I'll respond to any of those.

    Stranded "on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
    Such a fine sight to see."

  7. #47
    Border Rebel Windeagle's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    Windeagle = Brenda

    Please add me to the list.

  8. #48

    Default Re: What's your name?

    Better late than never.

    Perfect Little Sister or PLS = Lissa (short for Melissa...which I use at work so sometimes answer my cell forgetting who i am lol)

  9. #49
    Stuck on the Border Henley Honey's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    Henley Honey = Joanie

    But I've been called worse!!!

  10. #50
    Border Desperado Henleyfan's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your name?

    Henleyfan = Denise

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