OMG!! This concert was incredible. Don look great and sounded great! Don was in a very talkative mood tonight. He told several stories and interacted with the crowd all night. Last year I went to see Don 4 times and each of those concerts were great, but this one far exceeded last years concerts. I have to say I have never seen Don in such a great mood. He was smiling and laughing throughout the concert. I am sure it helped that the entire crowd was into the concert and was going crazy with each song. We were all up and dancing very early in the concert and remained on our feet for most of the time.
I need to get to bed now as 4:00am will come fast, but I will get back online tomorrow and cover the entire concert, I promise. Although I am not sure I can do as good as those who reviewed Glen's concert in Niagara Falls, I will do my best.
For those who can't wait, below is the set list from tonight.
Dirty Laundry
Sunset Grill
Everybody's Famous (a song from a young song writer that impressed Don)
New York Minute
Everything is Different Now
Last Worthless Evening (Don even did a great impression of Jack Nicholson when telling the story of this song)
One of These Night's
It Don't Matter to the Sun
End of the Innocence
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Heart of the Matter
You Don't have to Believe Me
Funky Stuff
Boys of Summer
All She Wants to is Dance
Life in the Fast Lane
Hotel California
More later! Oh and I think I was able to get a few good pictures so I will post those soon. And for those who like the stubble, it is coming back!!! Have I said how gorgeous Don looked?