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Thread: Don Henley Murphy's CA Oct 1, 2011

  1. #1
    Border Desperado Henleyfan's Avatar
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    Default Don Henley Murphy's CA Oct 1, 2011

    Well we are driving back home this morning, but thought I would post something really quick to say that the concert was amazing!! Once again Don looked and sounded awesome! Our seats were great and again I got what I hope are good pictures (and Steph I got a couple of Will for you).

    I will write more later, but the setlist was almost the same as the one he dd at The Mountain Winery, except he dropped 2 songs. He didn't do "You don't have to believe me" or "Funky Times". He also wasn't as talkative. He seemed a little tired. He didn't have the horns or his backup singers.

    All in all it was a great concert! I really want to see him next Friday in Vegas, and my husband said yes but I have a business trip the day after so I think I have to pass. I will see him again on Nov 19th!

    More later, with pictures.

  2. #2
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley Murphy's CA Oct 1, 2011

    Thanks for checking in. I've been eagerly awaiting your review. I'm very glad you had such a great time - I can't wait to hear more and see your photos!

    But... I'm also dismayed to hear MORE songs are being dropped. I hope he puts those back in for Tulsa!

    No horns or backup singers? Unusual to make that kind of change in the midst of the tour! I wonder what precipitated that? Perhaps there was some kind of special circumstance here and they'll be back.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #3
    Border Rebel StephUK's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley Murphy's CA Oct 1, 2011

    Thanks for the info HenleyFan. Shame they dropped 2 songs. I guess without the horns he couldn't do 'Funky Stuff'.
    Looking forward to the Willphotos, and thanks for thinking of me!

  4. #4
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley Murphy's CA Oct 1, 2011

    Thanks for the info on that one HF! I'm glad you had a great time and I'm looking forward to seeing your pics when you get a chance.

    Business trip? I wouldn't let that be the only thing to put me off! You'll manage! But I know its up to you!
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  5. #5
    Border Desperado Judy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Murphys, CA on Oct. 1, 2011

    My phone died (froze) & I didn't know to take the battery out & reinstall it. I would have just looked on here anyway to see if you answered. Where were you sitting at the dinner? We were really close to the two reserved tables. We came in right after the opening act got done. I think the woman you're talking about is the short petite one in the blue coat a half dozen or so seats to my left. Did you see the two women hold up the sign before HC and again when he left? One of them was me. I was on the right. The sign said

    thanks for
    40 yrs of

    with the words Don, 40, and a heart on each side of the word magic in red and the rest all in yellow bubble letters. He's met Karyn before & remembers her. He waved at her & didn't acknowledge there was anyone at the other end of the poster. Thanks Don. I love you too.

    Did you see Lance cringe when he sang that one bad note in The End of the Innocence? We didn't get the slow intro, but I can see why. I have to say that is probably the worst I have ever heard his voice. I have been blessed. He struggled with it all night. He sang the long note on Desperado, but not strong. I tried to get up & dance to BOS, but I thought the woman behind me was telling me to sit down so I did, then after awhile she said why didn't I get up & dance, but it seemed dumb to then after I'd sat down & no one else was up behind us. That's the only thing I hate about the front. The went right into All She Wants to Do is Dance & I got to dance for three songs.

    The guy to the right of me was annoying. Don was doing lots of talking & this guy was commenting on almost everything Don said. He wasn't TOTALLY obnoxious, but I think Don could hear him. He didn't say anything or look at him. Then he starts in on how ugly the beard is, telling him to shave it. I mean, thank you buddy. I hate it too, but I don't want you ticking Don off. I finally did a really long Shhhhh to him until he shut up.

    I haven't seen Don for almost two years. I had fun. I danced in my seat alot. I spent lots of time looking between Don & Will because he looked really hot. I also he thought he looked disturbed all night. Did you notice that? I know there were a few technical problems, but he looked that way most of the night. No horns, no backup women. It was just Don & the guys. I got to spend time with Lisa, Melissa, & Karyn again. The meal was good, but my meat was cold. It was done the way I like it, but it was cold. I didn't want to be stuffed so I ate part of everything. I was surprised when I only ate half of my dessert.

    I have to get to work. I'm supposed to be studying for a stats test I've read the material & seem to understand, but haven't done the homework yet. Yikes! Boy Don, the things I do for you!
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  6. #6
    Border Desperado Henleyfan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley Murphy's CA Oct 1, 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Glennsallnighter View Post
    Thanks for the info on that one HF! I'm glad you had a great time and I'm looking forward to seeing your pics when you get a chance.

    Business trip? I wouldn't let that be the only thing to put me off! You'll manage! But I know its up to you!
    I worked hard on my husband today on going to the show but although he said yes yesterday I think he came to his senses today. I have to be careful sense he already considers me stalking Don. I keep telling him that it is only stalking if Don complains

    Oh well I guess I will have to wait until Nov 19th.

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley Murphy's CA Oct 1, 2011

    Glad you had a good time HF!
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  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border Koala's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley Murphy's CA Oct 1, 2011



    "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation!"
    (Glenn Frey)

  9. #9
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Murphys, CA on Oct. 1, 2011

    Judy, what a shame Don's voice wasn't quite up to par, but I'm glad you had fun nonetheless. Perhaps there was something else going on that caused them to act disturbed. The absence of the backup singers and horns remains a mystery.

    I was infuriated to read that some douchebag criticized the beard from the audience, which I happen to like! I would have been hard-pressed not to give him a smack down.

    Regarding the food - for the amount you paid, that steak should have been perfect! Sorry the dinner was a disappointment, too.

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  10. #10
    Border Desperado Judy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Murphys, CA on Oct. 1, 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Judy, what a shame Don's voice wasn't quite up to par, but I'm glad you had fun nonetheless. Perhaps there was something else going on that caused them to act disturbed. The absence of the backup singers and horns remains a mystery.

    I was infuriated to read that some douchebag criticized the beard from the audience, which I happen to like! I would have been hard-pressed not to give him a smack down.

    Regarding the food - for the amount you paid, that steak should have been perfect! Sorry the dinner was a disappointment, too.
    I've seen him enough times, there was bound to be a time when I heard him like that. The rest was still smooth as honey. I went home happy. Don's hair color was starting to grow out so if I looked at his face straight on the beard and hair looked ok together. It's partially the shape of the beard, but I think it's more the two colors that bother me. I couldn't believe it when that guy did that. He was rambling until I told him shhh. I wish I'd done it earlier. We were ok with each other the rest of the concert. I leaned over & whispered to him that I didn't like the beard either so he knew I wasn't just being a (?)itch--and he kept quiet the rest of the concert.

    I was ok with the food. For as many people as there were in that room I thought they did a good job bringing it quickly and it was presented nicely. I'm guessing more than our table had meat that was at best lukewarm when it arrived. The course before it was nice & warm. I'm sure people had different dining experiences. There was one table that must have really been going through the wine. They were pretty rowdy. If I get some gumption later I'll scan the menu. Dessert was delish. Like I said, I couldn't believe I left half of it. I can't eat right before a concert. I ate all my salad and half of everything else. There were two different kinds of wine. Before that was a bar where they served (not going to try to spell the "h" word) shrimp with a sauce that may have been the same as the sauce on the meat & other things I paid no attention to. I'm not sure how much they brought around. Then they opened up the wall & we entered this large dining room.

    Back to homework......
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