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Thread: Don Henley -State Farm -Vegas Oct. 4, 2011

  1. #1
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Don Henley -State Farm -Vegas Oct. 4, 2011

    Just got an email from my sister in law that they went to see Don in Vegas last night while they were there for meetings for State Farm!

    I hope to find out more info as soon as she gets back here.

    All of you that are good snoopers, maybe you can come up with something!
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  2. #2
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley -State Farm -Vegas Oct. 4, 2011

    Found this on Twitter:

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border TimothyBFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley -State Farm -Vegas Oct. 4, 2011

    I guess it wasn't very well known even to State Farm employees. I have a very good friend who has worked for State Farm for almost 30 years. I called her when I first saw this on FB yesterday. Said she spoke to someone that was there and they hadn't known he was going to perform.
    He sings it high, he plays it low

  4. #4
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley -State Farm -Vegas Oct. 4, 2011

    I got to talk to my brother n law and his wife today and asked them about this. They told me Don asked for me and my hubby! They know I'm a huge fan. Ha, ha!

    They said his show was fantastic. It lasted about an hour and a half and he did all the hits like Dirty Laundry, Boys of Summer, Hotel Ca, Life in the Fast Lane, etc. The band was great too! They really enjoyed it.

    Of course, I knew they would! She sent me a couple pics that she had taken on her phone, but they aren't good enough to post. The lighting washes out the faces completely. Darn! I only know it's Don from his black & white plaid shirt! lol
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
    1948-2016 Gone but not forgotten

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