For the past 4 years I've been a supporter of a rescue facility in Hohenwald, TN that takes in elephants removed from mis-treatment at circuses, zoos, private owners, etc. This place is called the Elephant Sanctuary. They have 2000+ acres where the eles are well-cared for and allowed to come and go as they wish. They are considered retired, so there is no public allowed, their performing days are over.

The first elephant was called Tarra and other elephants were brought in too. About 8 yrs ago, a little white dog showed up and declared herself rescued too, and she was named Bella. Tarra and Bella's friendship grew so much, the bond, trust and inter-species friendship made the news, CBS Sunday Morning had an exceptionally well-done piece by Steve Hartman that stole many a heart, making them international stars: “They harbor no fears, no secrets, no prejudices. Just two living creatures who somehow managed to look past their immense differences.” Steve Hartman, CBS Evening News

Bella so trusted her big friend that she would often nap in the shade Tarra made, allow her to stroke with her big foot for tummy rubs, and let her run her trunk along her body.

Something happened last Monday night and Bella was missing. There was a search for 2 days, then the next day they found her crumpled little body next to the barn the asian elephants shared with Bella. The authorities investigated and believe she was attacked by coyotes, and believe, because of blood on tarra's trunk, that she had been brought there by her bff as the last act one friend could do for another...

So, I mourn with a big elephant I'll never meet, over a little dog I'll never know, because this was the finest example of true friendship I've ever seen. And it took "dumb" animals to teach me a life lesson.