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Thread: Celebration of "Analog Man"

  1. #1
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Celebration of "Analog Man"

    OK, now that I've had a chance to listen to this several times, I have to say I really like it! I think it's Joe's most consistently good album since But Seriously, Folks... That's quite an accomplishment. The only track that I think is a bit weak is "Spanish Dancer" and maybe "India," but even those are far from terrible; they just don't work quite as well as the others.

    Analog Man - this is the kind of commentary I love from Joe. It's light-hearted but still fun and catchy. He even manages to avoid sounding like an old fogey as he praises the scritchy-scratch sound of vinyl, whose appeal cannot be deemed as anything other than nostalgia when one plays a track from that format side by side with a CD or MP3 (the big artwork of an old school record is a boon, yes; the sound quality, no). I love the bit about finding an "Analog girl." That also lifts is above old-fogeyness (I think I just made up a new word).

    Wrecking Ball - While this is not really a "conversion" song like "One Day at a Time," it certainly gets across a similar message; it's an outside warning from the voice of experience, as he says himself. I especially love the chorus. The extended metaphor is also clever, continuing the theme of "wrecking ball" with "and then you slam into another brick wall."

    Lucky That Way - My favorite part is the "started in the middle of nowhere" bit. While the rest of the song isn't as melodic, it still works. I'm in my thirties so I don't have as much life experience to draw from, but I can still totally relate to the line "And the times I thought were the end of the world didn't turn out so bad after all."

    Spanish Dancer - As I said earlier, this one kind of seems to stick out - and not in a good way. I don't think Joe really sells the romance of the song. If you want to hear Joe singing sexy, check out "Slow Dancing" from The Confessor and you'll see what I mean. That said, it's not a bad song; I'm just not feelin' it.

    Band Played On - Again, a very clever analogy with the Titanic. Once again, tuneful and enjoyable commentary that doesn't come off as preachy.

    Family - This song is very pretty and Joe sings it with a lot of heart, but I have to admit, when I hear it I feel a little sad for him. The man has several children but never considered himself to have a family until he married his current wife. Ouch for them, sad for him. Of course, better to focus on the more positive side of that in that he's now happy, and the song itself is very melodic.

    One Day at a Time - There are a few interesting changes from the Eagles version and while I miss those Eagles harmonies, this is still really good. I'm very happy he included it on his album, because I've always liked it and thought it was a shame you could only hear it on Farewell 1.

    Hi-Roller Baby - What a catchy song! As I was listening to it on the plane yesterday I found myself singing along and tapping my foot. "It could be good..." yeah, I like it!

    Funk 50 - way to bring in the history! I feel like this is a reward to James Gang fans, as is the last track of course. The riffs are stellar, as always. Heck, even Joe's suckiest rock songs have good riffs (well, maybe not "Coyote Love.") He's just got that knack - he's just "lucky that way"! lol

    India - At first I thought "generic trance music with nothing to distinguish it from anything else in this genre" - but it grew on me. While it's not a favorite, it's still cool.

    Fishbone - Sometimes, joke songs annoy me. Sometimes, I absolutely love them. This one falls into the latter category. The fact that it has a great tune is probably the deciding factor, lol.

    But I Try - This is a cool novelty and it's neat for him to include him it. Again, a reward for the James Gang fans! Of course, it rocks!

    The first Joe album I've had in a long time where I don't find myself wanting to hit "skip" on at least one track.

    You go, Joe!

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  2. #2
    Border Desperado Tori's Avatar
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    I completely agree! I don't think I really dislike any of the songs on the album.
    ~ Tori

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    Soda, I have to disagree with you about the sound on vinyl. If an album is free of scratches, it sounds amazing on a good stereo! There is a richness in the sound of vinyl that is sometimes lost on a cd. I have some cd's that I used to have on vinyl & they are absolutely missing some depth. There is a reason that many albums are now being released on vinyl, and it's not just the nostalgia.
    I have not used a turntable in many years but I do recall some of my albums sounding a lot better on vinyl. The ones that have been remastered are better than the originals that came out, but there was a need to "remaster" them due to the depth that is missing on the cd's.

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    Soda, I'm glad you made your list first - I have something to compare my thoughts with. I have to agree that none of the songs are bad - there are just some that are a lot better than others.

    Analog Man - This is the only song I heard before the album was released and I like it, but because it's so easy to memorize
    and the chorus is repetetive (I don't mean that in a bad way) I tend to skip it when I'm pressed for time.

    Wrecking Ball - I like this one better than Analog Man.....I really like Joe's voice with background vocals. Who better than the great Joe Walsh to warn others' of the perils of partying too hard!

    Lucky That Way - My favorite as of right now, this is how Joe does country. I like the "style and grace" parts. Is that "started in the middle of nowhere" bit knocking the midwest? I also like the "I'll let you all in on a little secret" part. The first time I heard that part I automatically leaned in. LOL!

    Spanish Dancer - Okay, how many of us thought he was going to say "sweet smell of colitas" during that first verse? (Ha ha) And hey, what's Funk 50 doing in the middle of this song? Okay, Funk 50 is further into the album, but clearly this is two songs stuck together. Does it work? Not to my ears.

    Band Played On - The first few times I listened to the album I figured this must be India, because of how it starts with the sitar. I like Joe's quote in the liner notes; " So you might say there is some social
    commentary in this song." Ya think, Joe? LOL! Again, I really like the sound of Joe with background vocals during the "and the band played on" part.

    Family - The melody of this song is very pretty, like Pretty Maids All In A Row, but I don't like this as much as PMAIAR. I can't help but think about how good Marjorie seems for Joe when I hear this.

    One Day At a Time - My second favorite -not my very favorite probably only because it's not 'new' - this one's got a great tune and great vocals. I think I like this version better and unlike Soda, I think I like the harmonies here better.

    High Roller Baby - Hey, what happened? Did I take a time machine back to 1960? This song sounds like Joe is channeling Ricky Nelson.....and I don't like it at all.

    Funk 50 - Here's the Joe I know and love! And you all know I'm going to like the part that goes, "I'm going on vacation" .....kinda reminds me of another song Joe does that I love off of LROOE.

    India - The one instrumental on the album... it's okay.....I realize this is Joe experimenting with different styles. It's just not my style.

    Fishbone - According to the liner notes Joe thought he got a little too "out - there" with this song. Well, that right there tells you how far Joe's come! LOL! Fun song, but probably one I'll skip after awhile.

    But I Try - Honestly, I really like this song, but COME ON!!!!! To me, this is Joe saying, 'Sorry folks, I just couldn't come up with anything else, so I'll just stick some old stuff on here.' He calls it a bonus track, but it's very disappointing to this Joe fan.

    After listening to it several times this week, I'll have to give it a B-. Could have been a B if he had put one more good song on it. And for me, it lacks a really good guitar solo - something you can hang your hat on - like his solo in Long Road Out of Eden - the song. Now THAT was a great guitar solo! But overall, I like it and I'm glad he finally put it out.
    Last edited by Prettymaid; 06-11-2012 at 10:56 PM.
    ~ Cathy ~

    And I dream I'm on vacation 'Cause I like the way that sounds,
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  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    My review of Analog Man:

    First off, I will say I think it's a brilliant and even somewhat underrated album. It is definitely one of if not THE album I love most since the classic stuff of the 70s and 80s that I love. That said, there are one or two songs I don't like as much as the others. I'm so happy for Joe putting this out and getting out there and am so happy he's healthy and sober! He is my hero and I'd be devastated if anything were to happen to him so I'm glad he is clean and healthy and happy.

    Song by Song:

    Analog Man - This song is a great tune. It's a bit "stuck in the olden days" but I love that myself as I am also an analog man and I prefer old school stuff and especially when it comes to music and guitar gear. I think it's a great track, but not my favorite. I also noticed that ending lick as being from Mountain (Leslie West)'s "Mississippi Queen". Joe and Leslie are friends, so I can see why he might have done that as a nod to him, almost like the Steely Dan reference in Hotel California. A tip of the hat, so to speak.

    Wrecking Ball - This one is a killer rock tune. My favorite song on the album. It has a killer classic Joe riff, great lyrics and meaning and it really has a lot of cool licks in it. The guitar tones are killer and they have a nice crunchy rock sound. I think it's probably one of the if not the best song on the album.

    Lucky That Way - This one is also great and my 2nd favorite. It's a matured version of Life's Been Good with a perspective of life after the "crazy years". It's a great sequel to LBG, even if it doesn't have my favorite Joe riff in it (LBG). It is a country/rock type song but I enjoy it a lot. Quite possibly another candidate for the "best song" title.

    Spanish Dancer - Ok, here comes Mr. Critic. I cannot stand this tune... I didn't skip it for the first few listens and it's the only song on the album I skip. It's just so cheesy and I don't feel what Joe is saying. It's just not my thing. 'Nuff said. I think there could have been much better songs to put here that are more of what I expect from Joe

    Band Played On - I love this one!!! It's a cool tune and I love the lyrics. It's a great tune and very underrated IMO. It's a song I love to listen to and find myself singing along to on the choruses. I think he should do this one in his live setlist.

    Family - I think this one is a nice heartfelt tune. I know some have mentioned about his family from prior marriages and things, and I do wonder how they feel but I think you can tell Joe is truly happy now and quite possibly and hopefully found the person for him and will continue to be happy.

    One Day At A Time - Another great song with a lot of meaning to Joe and it offers great advice. Take life one day at a time and take it as it comes. I think that's great advice and even though I'm not an alcoholic or drug addict and never have been, I can say I felt somewhat of a connection to this song personally, much like I do with Eagles' Desperado (the song).

    Hi-Roller Baby - This one is iffy for me. It's not as nauseating as Spanish Dancer but IMO the other songs are much better. It sounds like Joe trying to fit in with the pop crowd of today. I really don't understand it as this isn't what I've come to expect from Joe. It's not a horrible song, but not my thing. YMMV.

    Funk 50 - Not much to say on this one other than I really like it! #49 is still my fav but #48 and #50 are definitely awesome and I prefer #50 to #48 (from the JG days). I like the lyrics and the funky groove.

    India - I actually found myself really liking this one. It has a very unique guitar sound on it and is a pretty darn good instrumental. It features Joe's guitar loud and proud.

    Fishbone - Ok, this one is kind of cheesy and silly, but I still like it better than SD or HRB. I think it's kind of stupid-funny but still funny. I don't skip it, but I don't focus in on it either.

    But I Try - Really like this one!! It has great lyrics, vocals, guitar - everything. It's a bit long was the only thing I noted when listening to it and a bit repetitive at times but still a great song!

    All in all, if I can forget Spanish Dancer and High Roller Baby I'd give the album a 10/10 but I think I'll give it an 8.5/9 out of 10. I think it's a fantastic album and the great songs FAR outweigh the not so good songs IMO and I think it's truly up there with his and other artist's classic stuff from that classic rock era. I find with the exception of Spanish Dancer - I really don't skip any tracks.

    Kudos to Joe for staying sober, finding happiness, and putting out this great record. I hope he does another album after the success of this one and I can't wait to hear some of these tunes live on June 30th in Naperville, IL live!

    All in all, Analog Man is a killer record and I HIGHLY encourage everyone to pick it up. It's the best album I've heard in many years and possibly since the classic days. It has a little bit of everything on it too - rock, country, pop, funk, latin/spanish, etc.

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    Austin, I'm so pleased to read your review and I have to say, what album of new material gets a '10' on every song? Most albums are 60% filler material and this one isn't. Joe made sure the CD was worth the wait.

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  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    Quote Originally Posted by VAisForEagleLovers View Post
    Austin, I'm so pleased to read your review and I have to say, what album of new material gets a '10' on every song? Most albums are 60% filler material and this one isn't. Joe made sure the CD was worth the wait.
    Yes I agree! The great/good songs on this album far outweigh and outnumber the not so good ones. The CD was definitely worth the wait - at least for me.

    As far as rock n' roll albums go - this seems to be a great year. Analog Man, Apocalyptic Love, and hopefully Aerosmith's new album out in August will be great - I'm really looking forward to that.

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    Austin, I agree that Spanish Dancer and Hi Roller Baby are the weaker songs on the album. Unlike you, though, I'm a little disappointed that he put But I Try on it. Even though I like the song, I would have preferred this album to be all new stuff. The exception to that statement is One Day at a Time, which although not new, Joe actually sings on.
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  9. #9
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    Ok, I’ll try to write my review of Analog Man too. Overall, I really like the album and am so happy for Joe that he is so happy with his life now. He exudes happiness these days. I have to credit Marjorie for this drastic change in Joe too. Since she arrived on the scene, he has turned in to Mr. Class and I love it. The pajama pants that he wore during Farewell 1 were just……nuff said! He’s still Joe, but he’s better than ever!

    Favorite songs-Analog Man, Wrecking Ball, Lucky That Way, Family (tears me up every time I hear it), and One Day At A Time. I like the new version of ODAAT just as much as the Eagles version.

    Spanish Dancer reminds me a bit of I Love To Watch A Woman Dance (which is one of my least favorite Eagles/Glenn songs-subject matter mostly) and I agree with Pm about it being 2 different songs and they don’t really go together. I guess we'll have to put part of the blame on Jeff Lynne for that. I’ll skip it most of the time.

    Fishbone is a hoot, but it’ll probably be one I skip, too. Can't imagine writing a song about that, but that is expected of him, since he did I.L.B.T's.!

    And I really don’t know why he included But I Try. I like it, but I would have preferred that he sing the lead if it was going to be on there.

    The rest of the songs are good and I like them. All in all, great job and I definitely enjoy the album. Thanks Joe!
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  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border Prettymaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Press and Discussion about Joe's New Album

    Thanks for your review Brooke. We seem to agree on most of it.
    ~ Cathy ~

    And I dream I'm on vacation 'Cause I like the way that sounds,
    It's a perfect occupation for me.

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