I really hate to say this, but I will since it's not it's anniversary, and that is that I really am not a fan of this album. And it tears me apart to say this.. The only ones I like are ODAAT, and the title track (mostly out of relativity of being an analog fan), and I prefer the Eagles doing ODAAT from F1. The honeymoon effect with the album or the infatuation with a new record wore off pretty early.
To be completely honest, I don't even have it in my iTunes anymore. I certainly don't want to discourage Joe from making another record, but may I suggest he get away from Jeff Lynne. It is a very ELO sounding record, all gloss, lots of filler (can you tell I'm not an ELO fan?
) and is veeeeery poppy. Not much true rock n' roll on this.
Being completely honest, I dig Felder's album a lot more than this, granted I don't like all the songs on it but it has more of a rock edge, IMO, than AM.
And ya'll know coming from me I'm not one to ever bash Joe, so it does pain me to say it, but it is what it is.