A review of Don's show at Fallsview earlier this month.
A review of Don's show at Fallsview earlier this month.
You can't change the world but you can change yourself.
Thanks Va,
I enjoyed reading that and the pictures. I was wondering how many songs he actually had a hand in writing besides HC which everyone knows.
Or did he do a show of songs Henley and fry wrote.
Just wondering and thought this was a good place to ask the question. I am sure my boarder friends will have an opinion
In his show he plays three songs in which he has a writing credit. They are Hotel California, Victim Of Love & Those Shoes. These are in fact the ONLY Eagles songs apart from The Disco Strangler, Visions & Too Many Hands on which he has a writing credit. As has been noted by others elsewhere, he plays some songs, like Tequila Sunrise, Peaceful Easy Feeling & Witchy Woman, where he didn't even play on the original recording.
Last edited by Freypower; 08-14-2012 at 09:11 PM.
Thank you fp.
I thought that he had only three songs with songwriting credit on, but I didnt trust my memory and I was too lazy to take the time to look it up.
I couldnt understand why this guy was writing a review of
all the songs he did like he owend them or wrote them. I thought that they were written by DOn, Glenn , Joe , Jack And Jackson .( I am sure there are others I have left out and will hear about it here)
He needs to let it all go since from what I read, he was brought in cause Bernie couldnt do all the insturments at live shows that he could play and lay the track down then play another insturment like when he recorded.
Plus if you read his book, I think he lost sight that it was DON H and Glenn's band from the begining (even though Meisner and Leadon were there too)
DOnt miss understand me , I am not making light of the mans contrabutions to the band or music...but let it go. Play your new music ...,great but dont rehash things you never were even apart of originally just to fill up your live show.
SUre I am gonna hear feed back on the above , but it borthered me that most of his new show, was old stuff he didnt even write.
Eagles songs are all he has. To be honest, if he didn't do them who would go to see him?
Sadly, like Joe, he appears not to have much confidence in his new material.