This review pretty well sums it up.
This review pretty well sums it up.
OH, YES. I took a lot of pictures but can't get them to load.
I'll try again when I get home. Right now I'm useing my lap top and I don't think I have the program to share pictures.
Glad to hear it was awesome but I have come to expect that from Joe.
Can't wait to see pics.
Well I guess it is just not meant to be that I share the pictures from the concert. I have tried both my desk top and lap top and both keep telling me the the files will not load.
I'll keep trying but I don't have much faith at this point.
Have never tried that so don't have a clue how to go about doing it. Sorry
It's easy as pie. You sign up at - then you hit "upload" and upload your photos. Then you copy them over to here using the [img] link. That's all there is to it.
I imagine your photos are pretty big, and our board can't handle huge attachments. You could shrink, them, but I think it would be easier to do Photobucket. Plus, using Photobucket, you can display them in the post without those annoying thumbnails and extra steps to view attachments.
I'll give it a try. May take me awhile. I do have some good pictures.