I went to see Don last night with a friend...the same one I dragged to see Timothy B in Pittsburgh last summer...have to say I really enjoyed it...we had front row center seats..so that was great...the man is an amazing guitar player...being right up front and seeing and hearing him play was awesome...and he encouraged people to get up and dance in the front and in the aisles...it was really fun...people were really into it...here's the setlist
Hotel California
Already Gone
One Of These Nights
Pride and Joy...said he loves to pay tribute to SRV
Fall From the Grace of Love...from Road to Forever
Victim of Love
You Don't Have Me...from RTF
Peaceful Easy Feeling
Tequila Sunrise
Seven Bridges Road
Those Shoes
Girls in Black...from RTF...my fave new one he did
Heavy Metal...wrote it for a movie in the 80s
Wash Away..from RTF
Long Run
Heartache Tonight
Life In the Fast Lane
Take It Easy
I think I will buy Road To Forever now...