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The music is great, but without Don's voice and the amazing imagery in the first stanza of HC that immediately draws you in to the song, it's just a flamenco-y intro.
I disagree. I agree Don's voice and the way they have the imagery is great, but without that guitar intro and let's not forget the guitar solo it wouldn't have been near as great. I personally am not a flamenco/reggae/spanish music fan. I personally see it as a great classic rock song with a cool beat. The guitar solo is simply the best. Bias aside, it's always being rated as the best electric guitar solo by most sites AND guitar players alike and plenty others feel it is one of the best. The guitar wizardry on this track really makes it. I feel it is a true masterpiece. I'll take it anyday over any other song.
It's a great song, but IMHO, it's not their best. And while the whole album appears to have been built around the theme that was that song, can we ever really say that they wouldn't have come up with something else great, without that riff. Not the same of course, but that was an exceptionally great time for them as songwriters.
The world will never know, but one could easily say it would have never happened as much as vice versa. But the addition of Joe Walsh really made them a supergroup and really propelled them into another dimension. Some don't like this era or change, I do but I'm more into mainstream rock n' roll. But while they were very successful prior, I don't think they would be as huge as they are today without that record. I'm not saying DF is the reason, either. But the song and album as a whole with everyone's contributions is really what took them to another level not only musically but in terms of success. I do think it is their true masterpiece and the best song and album they ever did, but that of course is JMO. But one cannot deny the impact it had on not only them but music in general.