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Thread: WTF??

  1. #1
    Border Desperado Shadowland07's Avatar
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    Default WTF??

    Not once have I see the order of the credits rearranged. Not on any album, Hell Freezes Over or Farewell 1. It's always been Felder, Henley and Frey. Why can't he just... Get Over It? IMO he's making himself look bad. The others are obviously over it (or getting over it), as they never bring it up or talk about it. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF??

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowland07 View Post

    Not once have I see the order of the credits rearranged. Not on any album, Hell Freezes Over or Farewell 1. It's always been Felder, Henley and Frey. Why can't he just... Get Over It? IMO he's making himself look bad. The others are obviously over it (or getting over it), as they never bring it up or talk about it. What do you guys think?
    When I saw this earlier, I noticed that on HFO it is rearranged. However, as I saw in a comment at the bottom, it's different from the original, it's acoustic, and to make it acoustic wasn't Felder's idea, and he states that in his book.

    I find it very sad that he's reduced himself to appearing on shows like this show and rehashing this kind of stuff over and over. His fiancee, who I'm sure has a masters or PhD in music speaks up and says he turned in an entire song without lyrics, that she's heard the demo tape, so she knows.

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  3. #3
    Border Desperado Shadowland07's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF??

    Are they rearranged on the HFO album or DVD, or both?

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF??

    I don't have the DVD, so I don't know about it. I just looked at the CD. (I decided that if it ever comes out on BlueRay, I'll get that.)

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  5. #5
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF??

    Good grief! "It doesn't bother me". ??????????? Then why do you constantly bring it up? Why don't you just get over it and shut up and go on with your life?

    I think he just constantly needs to be saying something to promote himself, even if it's in a bad light!
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  6. #6
    Border Desperado Shadowland07's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF??

    Oh ok. I do agree that it's sad he's still not over it. It's pretty obvious he isn't.

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border
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    I'm kind of unsure where I stand with the video. I agree with some of it.

    I do believe and fully agree Felder did write the music (not the lyrics) to Hotel California, and without him it would have ceased to exist and I agree with the host, the guitar is what makes that song. JMO... Don Felder is an oustanding musician and one of the best in that band's history. He contributed SO much to the band.

    But... I do think he needs to get over it and not do these types of shows where it makes him look bad. I love Don and I think Eagles bitterness aside he is a very nice guy and truly loves the music and playing and an incredible guitarist but at the very least, he should refrain from doing all of these media interviews, or just leave it to rest. I agree it paints him in a bad light. I feel he was wronged, but it just needs to be laid to rest and promote his wonderful new solo material and get out there and play guitar like only he can play.

    Just my .02c

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: WTF??

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowland07 View Post

    Not once have I see the order of the credits rearranged. Not on any album, Hell Freezes Over or Farewell 1. It's always been Felder, Henley and Frey. Why can't he just... Get Over It? IMO he's making himself look bad. The others are obviously over it (or getting over it), as they never bring it up or talk about it. What do you guys think?
    On the HFO CD the credit reads Henley/Frey/Felder so the DVD probably does too. If he did not have the idea to rearrange it acoustically then I don't see what the problem is in changing it. The acoustic version appears both on the CD & the DVD (it is a live performance, remember). On F1 it reads Felder/Henley/Frey.

    And guess who, according to FELDER, came up with the idea for the acoustic introduction (see page 258 of the book).

    It was Glenn Frey. Who is still credited second, not first, on the HFO album. I believe that Felder has since changed his tune on this & stated that Glenn had nothing to do with the new arrangement & therefore the credit should not have been changed. Whatever.

    I need say no more except agree with what others have said. I will say one more thing though which I have said before & will continue to say. There is more to the song than the music. A great deal more. It is not just about the guitar work. In fact I would go so far to say that for me it is the opposite. The lyrics still intrigue me as do the vocals & drums, but I know the guitar work so well that it's over familiar now.

  9. #9
    Border Desperado NYC Fan's Avatar
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    Totally agree with you. The music is great, but without Don's voice and the amazing imagery in the first stanza of HC that immediately draws you in to the song, it's just a flamenco-y intro.

    I too think that Felder makes himself look bad by saying all this stuff. It's sad. Of course, I can't relate to how he feels artistically about these things, but, to me anyway, Glenn and Don are responsible for him making more money than your average musician will see in a lifetime, no matter how good a guitar player he is.

    I know they sound like they were hard to deal with at times, but let's get real. They are the reason the band was so successful. I don't understand this ongoing bitterness. I read his book and it made me uncomfortable for him. Like some jilted lover writing a tell-all.

    It's a great song, but IMHO, it's not their best. And while the whole album appears to have been built around the theme that was that song, can we ever really say that they wouldn't have come up with something else great, without that riff. Not the same of course, but that was an exceptionally great time for them as songwriters.

    But what do I know?

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: WTF??

    Quote Originally Posted by NYC Fan View Post
    The music is great, but without Don's voice and the amazing imagery in the first stanza of HC that immediately draws you in to the song, it's just a flamenco-y intro.

    I disagree. I agree Don's voice and the way they have the imagery is great, but without that guitar intro and let's not forget the guitar solo it wouldn't have been near as great. I personally am not a flamenco/reggae/spanish music fan. I personally see it as a great classic rock song with a cool beat. The guitar solo is simply the best. Bias aside, it's always being rated as the best electric guitar solo by most sites AND guitar players alike and plenty others feel it is one of the best. The guitar wizardry on this track really makes it. I feel it is a true masterpiece. I'll take it anyday over any other song.

    It's a great song, but IMHO, it's not their best. And while the whole album appears to have been built around the theme that was that song, can we ever really say that they wouldn't have come up with something else great, without that riff. Not the same of course, but that was an exceptionally great time for them as songwriters.

    The world will never know, but one could easily say it would have never happened as much as vice versa. But the addition of Joe Walsh really made them a supergroup and really propelled them into another dimension. Some don't like this era or change, I do but I'm more into mainstream rock n' roll. But while they were very successful prior, I don't think they would be as huge as they are today without that record. I'm not saying DF is the reason, either. But the song and album as a whole with everyone's contributions is really what took them to another level not only musically but in terms of success. I do think it is their true masterpiece and the best song and album they ever did, but that of course is JMO. But one cannot deny the impact it had on not only them but music in general.

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