first I gotta say thank you VA.
thank you all for understanding this emotional old broad.
My cousin sent me the best gift.
I cried when I saw pictures of my grandmom and me I never knew existed.
I felt great today to show my son a picture of his great grandparents with their three daughters...his grandmom, and two great aunts.(One of which is like a grandmom to him since my mom had long passed and she had raised me.)I think he looked at me with a smile on his face and said Cool mom. never have seen this one of your whole family together. So nice for you to have that.
speaking of smiles , Joanie, do you think I look that happy???
Oh my god, still cant believe I was hugging him when JAHH took that picture.Have not seen my son since christmas.
I thought I would bust.!!!!
thank you for being so kind and your responce when I sent it to you.
Got a new phone and the girls at luch could not understand why two of he for got the picture....can you say learning
OH AN Joanie..when I am down on monday cause he is have to remind me of my postive stuff or I will lose my mind.
Enjoy your time with your son this weekend Celle!
And I can just hear Joanie yelling SNAP OUTTA IT! I bet she does it better than Cher.
Ladies thanks for the understanding ,fun and friendship .
Ooh and the big belly laugh
TT, enjoy those pictures (and your son)! I love looking at old ones like that!
I've been going through some of my family and trying to put together a series of pics of my trusted pony, Lightning. He was a hellion, but we all had so much fun with him! He lived over 30 years and was bought for my older brother (7 years older!) when he was just a kid. Then I got him, my younger brother and sister rode him, and even my own kids got to ride him! My Dad always said he would outlive him, but of course, he didn't. Every once in a while he would manage to get out of his pasture and go on a run all over a 3 mile area and just beg us to try and catch him! He would see us coming and throw his head in the air and take off again. Sometimes he would come back home on his own and sometimes we would manage to catch him. Like I said, he was a hellion, but what great times we had!
Lots to do today....paint the bathroom vanity, clean house, put some pics in newly painted frames.......enjoy the beautiful day!
"They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
1948-2016 Gone but not forgotten
i hate doing laundry
did you get that idea????
Checking out the Border before I head to bed. . Its been a Loooong day!
'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP