I know I would have made it part of a non-disclosure agreement and binding, but that's just me, maybe. It's really no one's business but their own.
You can't change the world but you can change yourself.
That's true but I live for conjecture and debate, especially about my favorite subjects. I know it doesn't always come across in my smartass manner but I do love every one of those boys. I just love one more than the others! LOL
Loss of respect for band members is understandable if you don't believe they did the right thing. What I don't get is the outright loathing some express. And it's easy to tell the difference between simple loss of respect and outright loathing. Examples of loss of respect: comments about how you're disappointed in someone's actions. Examples of loathing: taking pleasure in insulting and mocking a person; wanting them to feel pain.
Would that include mocking them over plastic surgery? Probably not.
Look, it is obvious that some people are touchy about their favorite band members. We can all see and understand that. But, Soda, you are just as touchy as anyone but just won't admit it. Its obvious that you're Frey all the way and that's OK but others should feel free to be honest in support their favorite, too.
Here's some real honesty for you with no beating around the bush: I am disappointed in the way Frey treated people while using the "good of the band" excuse, first Bernie, then Randy, and then Don F. I believe he was wrong. I still respect his talent and I love their music but you can't just treat people badly and still expect a good reputation.
If you don't understand the difference between complimenting the effects of someone's plastic surgery and insulting them, then I don't know how to explain it to you.
I will say, however, that the next person who insults an Eagles' appearance gets a strike. I'm tired of putting up with it.