A picture from Facebook:
A picture from Facebook:
Here are some videos of the show:
Victim of Love and Peaceful Easy Feeling
Heavy Metal and The Long Run
Take It Easy
Great picture! I will definitely check out the videos when I get time!
Thanks SM!
"They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
1948-2016 Gone but not forgotten
Here’s a nice review of the show:
I especially like these parts:
If Don Henley and Glenn Frey were the Lennon & McCartney of The Eagles, then Don Felder must be the George Harrison of the best-selling California band. While Henley and Frey were the main singers and songwriters in that group, Felder, like Harrison, was the architect of its guitar magic, the band’s most creative soloist. Odds are that if you hear a memorable guitar solo on an Eagles record, it’s Don “Fingers” Felder who laid it down.A few words about Felder as a lead singer: Yes, Felder sang all of the leads, and no, he did not sing them on the original Eagles records, and yes, he did a fine job. Hearing a different voice interpreting these classics originally sung by Don Henley and Glenn Frey freshened them up for me. Felder may not have the most polished lead voice of The Eagles past and present, but he sang with a great deal of heart and feeling, and hit all the notes—even the high ones.