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Thread: Randy Meisner in the Press - Retro Edition!

  1. #1
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Randy Meisner in the Press - Retro Edition!

    This thread is for older articles about Randy.

    I found some old articles in the Google archive. Here's some interviews with Randy:

    "A Former Eagle Wings It Alone" - Observer-Reporter (Dec. 24, 1980)

    "Randy Meisner Moving Out from Background" - Toledo Blade (Apr. 11, 1981)

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border DJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randy Meisner in the Press - Retro Edition!

    Excellent finds..

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  3. #3

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  6. #6
    Border Desperado Brooklyn Roads's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randy Meisner in the Press - Retro Edition!

    I am loving these articles!! Thanks so much for sharing these and finding them, too!! I totally agree about the one that pissed you off. That audience sure didn't know what was before them. Poor Randy; he deserved better!

  7. #7
    Out on the Border Suze's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randy Meisner in the Press - Retro Edition!

    Thank you for finding all these snippets, even the ones that are a little negative but then that's life. Even Randy couldn't be perfect all the time but I still love him.

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randy Meisner in the Press - Retro Edition!

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Great finds, Soda, thank you so much!

    Both Ann and Nancy Wilson sang on Randy's 1982 album, which had the same producer (Mike Flicker) as Heart's early albums. Heart guitarist Howard Leese also played on the record and seems to have been friends with Randy since the 70s - there's a photo of them from back in the day with their arms around each other and Randy is wearing a Budmaster t-shirt.

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randy Meisner in the Press - Retro Edition!

    Just a brief mention of Randy in this March 1, 1969 Rolling Stone article on "Hollywood Hillbillies - What's Old is New Again,"
    Others in the band are Randy Meisner, a Nebraska boy who plays bass and sings most of the songs demanding the highest range...

    And this 2013 RS article isn't exactly retro but it's about the making of James Taylor's 1969 classic album "Sweet Baby James" and contains an even more brief mention of our Nebraska fella:

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Randy Meisner in the Press - Retro Edition!

    Randy's art was featured in the 1994 book "Musicians as Artists," alongside contributions from such nobodies as John Lennon and David Bowie. The book's authors are Jim McMullan and Dick Gautier; photographs by Stephen Stickler - who has since become a very successful rock and fashion photographer.

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