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Thread: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

  1. #1
    Out on the Border CBC's Avatar
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    Shanghai, China

    Default Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    I am truly, madly, deeply thrilled after hearing the live audios here: Particularly by these two: Tryin’ (Berkeley 73) & Too Many Hands (Springfield 75).
    Well let’s be frank, the first song I chose to download from this list is undoubtedly “Take It to the Limit”. But, when I listened to these two songs (led by Randy too…), you know what? I’ve got a new view on them! I did have thought these two songs were good ones when listening to albums “Eagles” & “One of These Nights” respectively, except that being too short, especially “Trying”, and just left it there. These live shows are longer, louder, more enthusiastic, and make me dream I were there then! What I can hear is not only Randy’s real golden throat and thrilling bass playing, but also the harmonious team work: gorgeous singer, gorgeous drummer, gorgeous guitarists, everyone’s supporting each other perfectly.
    It kind of fool I know, but it’s what I am thinking now and I do hope to be agreed ~

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    What a coincidence! I was listening to the Berkley concert this morning and noticed Tryin' in particular, not just for the vocals but for the energy. It may be one of those songs that works better live but that version is just great.

  3. #3
    Border Troubadour
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    Default Re: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    Any links as to where to obtain a copy of that concert UtW?

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    I don't know about the full concert but EOC has a couple of the tracks.

  5. #5
    Out on the Border CBC's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    And I'm eager to hear "Take the Devil" live too, although I do not expect too much~

  6. #6
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    Glad you like them. I think they're great, too!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  7. #7
    Border Desperado
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    Default Re: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    OMG, Help Me Through The Night just brought me to tears. I loved the acoustic version on Joe Walsh and Friends where Joe sings with Don, Glenn and Felder. It was before he was an Eagle and probably a year or so after his daughter's death. Such an emotional and painful song. This newer version is just beautiful, Joes voice is so pure and he adds a few little touches...sure wish there was a video.

    Thanks for posting the link.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    It's not on the CD but I'm pretty sure Help Me Through The Night is on the Hell Freezes Over Video/DVD.

  9. #9
    Border Desperado
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    Apr 2016

    Default Re: Is there anyone thrilled by these two songs too, just like me?

    Here's the link for Joe Walsh & friends. ( Joe, Don, Glen, Felder) It's older and not perfect quality video, but the sound is great.

    I'd love to see a video of the one on this website from Long Beach.

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