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Thread: A question about the Timothy drought.

  1. #11
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    you are right MaryCalifornia, Tim has NO interest in pursuing relationships with fans on social media or otherwise. He is a very private person, interested only in his family and a select few close friends. he does not like being recognized and considers forced interactions with fans a real hassle, so admire him from a far but really ladies, don't harass him, he hates it.

  2. #12
    Border Rebel tjh532's Avatar
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    Sounds like you know him personally?

  3. #13
    Stuck on the Border MaryCalifornia's Avatar
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    I can't imagine that any of the ladies or guys on this fan site have or would "harass" any member of the Eagles. It seems to me that his fans are respectful and only approach him in a setting where he would expect it and it wouldn't be out of line - a meet and greet or signing or after a solo show or whatever. We have many anecdotes where a fan saw members of the Eagles in hotels or Jamba Juice haha and just did not have it in them to approach them.

    I would guess his biggest problem with harassment comes from those people who barely have some tenuous connection to him through extended family, business, or social circles, on the fringes of those circles, who think they can communicate directly with him or that he owes them something because they have been introduced to him.

    In any event, I'm sure he's developed a personal mechanism to deal with the reality of having fans, since he puts himself out there and has been doing it for 50 years.

  4. #14
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.


  5. #15
    Stuck on the Border sad-cafe's Avatar
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    I have been MIA so this drought has affected me too! I have missed the gorgeous specimen of a man.

  6. #16
    Border Rebel secret squirrel's Avatar
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    Yup. We might get a Tweet once a year if we're lucky. I understand that he's not interested in doing it but it seems daft to have a Twitter account and never post anything. Maybe just a picture every now and then.

    Lots of celebrities do little to maintain their social media sites and perhaps have someone do it for them. It's just not his style. His kids are good at it I think but I guess too busy to help their Dad out.

    Joe Walsh keeps people up to date on his doings.


  7. #17
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    If I remember rightly, it was Tim that introduced Joe to Twitter, around about the time Expando was released. Tim helped Joe set up his own Twitter account.

    It's notable evidence that the guys don't totally avoid each other when they are not on Eagles duty.

    As a Walsh fan, I need to say "Thanks Tim!"

  8. #18
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    For some of these guys, Tim included, social media is a promotional tool for a project and nothing more. After Tim stopped promoting Expando, he stopped posting regularly on Twitter.

    Joe views it more as something fun and he's always been less private, so he uses it even if he's got nothing in the pipeline to promote. I love it!

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  9. #19
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    Quote Originally Posted by Funk 50 View Post
    If I remember rightly, it was Tim that introduced Joe to Twitter, around about the time Expando was released. Tim helped Joe set up his own Twitter account.
    Tim talked him into it as they traveled to do their South Africa shows in the spring of 2012.

    You can't change the world but you can change yourself.

  10. #20
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: A question about the Timothy drought.

    I'm thankful that Tim got Joe into Twitter and I'm sure the Facebook thing also as a result. IIRC, Joe had the first official page on Facebook, even before the band.

    Now if Joe would just get on Instagram!

    Also love the fact that Joe is active on there and I love his pictures. Again, another reason to get a Joe Walsh instagram page.

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