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Thread: San Francisco, CA at the Masonic - 10/05/15

  1. #1
    Border Desperado
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default San Francisco, CA at the Masonic - 10/05/15

    Here's my thoughts on the San Francisco show: You must forgive me, I didn't take any notes and I'm going by memory. First of all, Don cut a very dapper figure in black jeans, off white shirt, brown vest and his trusty old work boots. He looked very fit and healthy - a very handsome devil!! The show started off with the band in a semi-circle singing Seven Bridges Road, it was a great way to start off. The End of the Innocence started off just Don singing along with the organ and then the rest of the band joined in, it ended the same way it began, just Don and the organ. Don's voice sounded a little rough, he might have been struggling a bit. It was different but it was good. I loved That Old Flame and When I Stop Dreaming. His back-up singers (3 young attractive ladies with killer suede ankle boots) really stepped up on these songs. I believe it was during It Don't Matter To The Sun that the band again sang together in a semi-circle. It just looked so cool them all singing together like that. They ended the show with All She Wants To Do Is Dance - which always gets everyone up on their feet. Don was very talkative and told the stories behind quite a few songs. Even though I know most of these it was fun to hear him tell his version! It was a great concert, getting to hear all the new songs. I highly recommend it if you have the chance to glad I did!!!!

  2. #2
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Cruising down the center of a two-way street in VA

    Default Re: Don at Comerica Theatre, Phoenix, AZ - Oct. 3, 2015

    Thanks so much Woodstock. I enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the show! I have to wait until November, but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

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