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Thread: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

  1. #1
    Border Desperado OutlawManNJ's Avatar
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    Default Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    Saw Felder tonight in morristown nj just a few miles away from my home so it was great show at 8 i was home by 10!

    First time seeing a solo Felder show...was pretty impressed as i didnt know what to really expect from his vocals. I thought he filled the role on various songs enough to make you not think about it...he actually manages to pull off henley and freyish styles. Hes not them but like i said its good enough so that you focus on his guitar playing.

    The band is pretty tight and does a great job of playing the music and backup vocals very Eagleish.

    Just before the show i found out that he comes out after the show and signs stuff for 15 minutes so I took 3 things...his book, a cassette of his 82ish solo album Airborne and last minute i took the pick guard off one of my guitars for him to sign. I have a very elaborate music room so I thought a signed Felder guitar (after i put the pick guard back on it) would be fantastic. After the show he came out, got a kick out of the cassete tape and signed that along with the book...but to my disspointment said he doesnt sign guitar pick guards.

    Bummed about that as it would have been beautiful in my room (i posted photos here once in the past). But as he said "well you have the tape and book signed".

    Ps: the setlist had lots of eagles even early eagles from before his time there oddly he didnt sing his only Lead vocal during his Eagles day "visions" possibly because its not that great a song, but being it was his only, you would think he would. And he did do victim of love which was great...he also did those shoes...and 7 bridges
    Last edited by OutlawManNJ; 11-09-2015 at 01:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Felder in the Press/Blogs/etc.

    Glad you enjoyed it! I've moved your post to the forum for concert reviews so people can find it easily.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  3. #3
    Border Desperado OutlawManNJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    I only did one video of him doing 7 bridges road, ill post it soon.

    Ps: wife was working so I went alone which was great for buying a ticket because i was able to pick out a solo left over seat in row K that otherwise wouldnt have been able to sit at if i needed two tickets.

  4. #4
    Border Desperado OutlawManNJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    And here it is.

    This is the only song that another band member took part of the lyrics, in this case the bass player. He introduced the song explaing that it was their warm up song and that up until he left the Eagles never really played it much, but he always like too.

    I gotta say, that while seeing henley or frey sing these songs is a plus, one cant disregard seeing felder play the guitar parts himself as opposed to someone else in many of the songs felder performed. Its nice seeing the real guy play the solo of say one of these nights.

    7 bridges road (minus the first few seconds intro)

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    Thanks for the report. Your excitement comes through.

    Which non-Eagles songs did he sing?

  6. #6
    Border Desperado OutlawManNJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    Srv pride and joy
    Heavy metal
    About 3 latest album songs
    I think that was it

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    That's a change. When he toured last year and in the summer, he only played one song from Road to Forever, although not always the same one.
    ETA: I can see that earlier this year he often played both Wash Away and Girls in Black. On other dates he didn't play those but played You Don't Have me.
    Last edited by UndertheWire; 11-09-2015 at 02:23 PM.

  8. #8
    Border Desperado OutlawManNJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    Quote Originally Posted by UndertheWire View Post
    Thanks for the report. Your excitement comes through.

    Which non-Eagles songs did he sing?
    I would have been wayyy more excited had he signed my guitar pick guard. That would have been a hell of a thing to have.

  9. #9
    Border Desperado OutlawManNJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    I will add, Felder can improve the show if he tells more stories in between songs. He usually says this song is from so and so album or year, but doesnt get deeper. As a guitar player would be cool for him to tell us how he came up with a certain riff or some curiosty about the recording of the song. This would add value to his show.

    When he meantioned the eagles a few times he would play with the workd and instead of saying eagles he rotated between The Illegals, The Seagulls, The beagles....people laughed everytime.

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border Topkat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Morristown, NJ - 11/08/15

    Yes, he called them the Beagles when I saw him. I have to disagree about the talking about the songs, I don't mind a little talk, but I'm there to hear the music. I think he writes about how he came up with things in his book, so if you haven't read it, you might want to.
    I don't like long storytelling during a concert.

    Too bad he didn't sign the guitar guard, but I think most artists do not do that, as it could be sold as a signed guitar or shown as endorsing a certain make guitar. I believe it's common practice not to do it. At least you got something signed. I didn't even know he signs things & didn't wait around to see him after the show.

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