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Thread: Academy Of Music - Philadelphia, PA 11/12/15

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border Witchy Woman's Avatar
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    Default Academy Of Music - Philadelphia, PA 11/12/15

    First off, I must admit I had no idea where I was going, and actually went to the Kimmel Center, only to be told I had to walk a couple of blocks down to the Academy Of Music. Apparently, some kind of Madea play was at the Merriam Theater, and my friend and I really laughed hard at the "outside" Madea shirts they were selling, and duly noted there were no "outside" Don shirts. There was no sign that we saw that said Academy Of Music, but I looked in and saw Don shirts, so I knew we were in the right place. After walking up several flights of stairs I was already worn out, and it didn't help that the dude at the top of the stairs told us we should have taken the elevator. I totally didn't know there was an elevator !! Derp !! Anyway, we took our seats and a few minutes later Shawn Colvin came out.

    I'm not very familiar with her, and I've heard she's quite boring and droll, but I can honestly say she was a lot better than freakin' JD And The Straight Shot. I could have lived without her, but it was not totally horrible, either. When she was done, Don came out about 20 minutes later, after the radio thing, which was cool, but I didn't get the point of it being there. Don was in good spirits, and his band was great. He did talk quite a bit before the Cass County songs, and the girls did a fantastic job of filling in for the celebrities that could not be there. Don was telling the story of how he chose Miranda Lambert and Mick Jagger for Bramble Rose, and when he told Miranda he wanted to find someone off the wall some guy in the audience shouted "Joe Walsh !!" which made Don laugh and say "No, but good choice !!". He then said Joe was no longer off the wall, as he has been sober since 1974, then quickly corrected himself and said 1994.

    I was surprised by some of the songs choices, mainly "Shangri-La" and "I Put A Spell On You". I would have liked to have heard "Sunset Grill", but he did "New York Minute", which made me very happy. All in all a fantastic end to his tour. Hopefully it won't be too long before we see him again, be it alone or with The Eagles.

  2. #2
    Border Desperado Keith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy Of Music - Philadelphia, PA 11/12/15

    Thanks for the review, WW.
    "a full dollars and in karma"

  3. #3
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy Of Music - Philadelphia, PA 11/12/15

    Great review, WW! Glad you had a good time!
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  4. #4
    Border Troubadour L101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy Of Music - Philadelphia, PA 11/12/15

    Thanks for the great review WW - sounds like you had a good time in the end.
    It's hard to know what to make of Shawn Colvin, I've listened to a few of her songs and they are good but not sure I could listen to a full set just before Don came on !!
    "The more I know, the less I understand...."

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  5. #5
    Border Desperado jms18222's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don at Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA - Nov. 12, 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Witchy Woman View Post
    If anyone sees a woman who least looks like they belong there that will be me. Feel free to come up and say hi. I don't bite !! Lol !!
    Wish I could have found you but we arrived a tad bit late. My son went to college in Philly. Every place he wanted to go to dinner was closed down.

    Don Henley....AMAZING!

    I still think, while really talented, the background singers are just too young. Don looks like their father bordering on close enough to being a grandfather. Seats were amazing. Security was out in full force even through the encore.

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border Witchy Woman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don at Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA - Nov. 12, 2015

    I have a very broad range of musical tastes, so I always have an arsenal of metal shirts to wear to concerts considerably on the lighter side. I wore my Motley Crue Final Tour shirt to Don last night. My personal best was my Slayer shirt at Barry Manilow. Every cop at the entrance cracked up when they saw me. Lol. I'm sorry I missed you too. I would have been very easy to find !!

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border Tiffanny Twisted's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy Of Music - Philadelphia, PA 11/12/15

    Lol ww I now know that
    Big difference between a matalic shirt vs metalica shirt lol

    I amso glad you got to see him
    The academy of music is a beautifuk venue

    In my much much younger days I saw billy joel there before he was famous
    And the late great dan fogelberg
    I. Am sure it was a great place to see don solo
    There is not a bad seat In The house and the accustics are tremendous
    Don must have sounded like an angel in that venue

    Really cooL

    Glad you had a great time ww

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Academy Of Music - Philadelphia, PA 11/12/15

    Glad that you enjoyed the show, WW!

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  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don at Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA - Nov. 12, 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Witchy Woman View Post
    I have a very broad range of musical tastes, so I always have an arsenal of metal shirts to wear to concerts considerably on the lighter side. I wore my Motley Crue Final Tour shirt to Don last night. My personal best was my Slayer shirt at Barry Manilow. Every cop at the entrance cracked up when they saw me. Lol. I'm sorry I missed you too. I would have been very easy to find !!
    That cracks me up! You seem like a cool chick.

  10. #10
    Border Desperado jms18222's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don at Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA - Nov. 12, 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Witchy Woman View Post
    I have a very broad range of musical tastes, so I always have an arsenal of metal shirts to wear to concerts considerably on the lighter side. I wore my Motley Crue Final Tour shirt to Don last night. My personal best was my Slayer shirt at Barry Manilow. Every cop at the entrance cracked up when they saw me. Lol. I'm sorry I missed you too. I would have been very easy to find !!
    I know I wish I could have met up with you! I had on the Johnny Cash/Bob Dylan shirt my son bought for me in Nashville.

    Dinner just took too long and I wanted to put my shopping bags in the car. We got lost too!! Then we ran into the Madea crowd. WOW! That was crazy the amount of fake t shirts being sold for that but none for Don. I did spend $35 for my Cass County shirt which is more that I spent on a Michael Kors dress in Macy's.

    I could have done without Shawn Colvin. I just didn't get her music at all. I wanted to take a xanax after her set.

    Don was really talkative. Loved someone shouting out Hotel California & he saying 'no well in hell'!

    I guess we have his daughter to thank for the lack of plaid, a more natural hair color & no facial hair. Did you notice he was wearing blue jeans instead of black! YES!!!

    Shangri-La & How Bad Do You Want It...WOW!!!

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