Well, it's the board's birthday again! On Dec. 15, 2005, I created Flip City, a private message board for Glenn Frey fans attached to Glenn Frey Online. Then, a year later, Flip City became the Border, expanding to be a public message board for all the Eagles. We had just a handful of members at first, and we were perfectly fine with that. Slowly but surely, however, it began to grow.... and here we are!
I can't believe it's been 10 years. It sure doesn't seem like it. Thanks to everyone who posts here - you make us what we are! As I've said before, without you this place would be nothing but an empty shell. Thanks again!
Here's to 10 more!
For fun, I've reverted our forum's style back to how it was then. In 2005, there were no style choices - it was just Dark Hue. The special banner and the blue style is just for today, though!
Here is an image of Glenn Frey Online's homepage from 2006 a few months after it opened in November 2005 (it's the earliest image of the site I could find). It has the link to Flip City (none of the other sites existed at this time):
Here's what the original board looked like - this is the first thread:
And here's a list of our first members, a few of which are still here!
We'll be adding a few things throughout the day to celebrate, so keep checking back!