The first time I saw Glenn Frey "in the flesh" was at my first Eagles concert in Sacramento in November 2005. I was sitting in the fourth row with Perfect Little Sister (or eaglesaddict as she was known at the time). I thought the Eagles were about to retire. Glenn had spoken of "ending it in California." Little did I know I had ten years of adventures ahead of me, most of them starring Glenn Frey.
He didn't know me from Adam at that point. He didn't know that I had been working on a fansite for him for months which had just opened on his birthday a few weeks prior, or the amount of time I had devoted to him. I was just another fan. And just like every other fan there that night, I got a fantastic show.
One thing I remember about that show is how he took care of business for Timothy when some jerk started being disruptive during "Love Will Keep Us Alive." The guy had stood and was making a lot of noise, obviously drunk. Glenn gave that guy the kind of look that could scorch you down to a pile of smoking shoes. That guy shut up and sat down.
As we left, Dreamer suggested to me that we go see him play Pebble Beach in a couple month's time. She wasn't able to come that year after all, but PLS and I went and oh my gosh, he was so sweet to us. There's
a whole thread dedicated to that, a thread that's almost ten years old now, but it changed my life. It was just the beginning.