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Thread: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

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  1. #1
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    We have a guy running for office in one of our local county elections named Glenn Millican. Every time I see his name, of course, I think, this will be Glenn's name once we adopt the custom of the man taking the wife's surname.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  2. #2
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    That is just too good Dreamer! And everybody else too.

    I have just been sent a notification from Sky (our TV provider). It reads thus:
    'An After Hours Special for you'

    and goes on to describe a new series called 'After Hours'.

    'A music fan turns to a local radio show when his heart is broken for the first time'

    Sounds like I will have to watch this one, and it airs for the first time on Thursday - just in time for Glenn 's birthday!!
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Earlier today, I heard Lunatic Fringe by Red Rider. Every time I hear it, I think of the opening scene of the Smuggler's Blues episode of Miami Vice. Of course, I think of Glenn as well.

    People don't run out of dreams, People just run out of time

  4. #4
    Border Troubadour NOLA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Out for a drive yesterday and ended up behind a utility truck with the logo, "WEB-DON," on the rear door. Turns out it's the name of a countertop company based in Charlotte, NC, but that's not what came to mind when I saw it!
    "You thought you would be satisfied, but you never will learn to be still."

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    My uncle has changed the lyrics to THIO. With it being fall, it's now The Heater's On.

    People don't run out of dreams, People just run out of time

  6. #6
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    I know this is awful, and it's certainly not a "little thing", but when I first head about the attacks yesterday at an Eagles of Death Metal concert... knowing that they named their band after our guys...

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border GlennLover's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    I know this is awful, and it's certainly not a "little thing", but when I first head about the attacks yesterday at an Eagles of Death Metal concert... knowing that they named their band after our guys...
    I didn't know that they actually named the band after "our Eagles"!

  8. #8
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Yes - the joke was that they were a mellower version of death metal.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by NightMistBlue View Post
    OT: how's the book - worth checking out? I think Mick has written two autobiographies (so far).
    I read the older book, the one written in 1990. It's a pretty good and quick read (less than 300 pages), with plenty of photos. I definitely would recommend it to a Mac fan, as he spends alot of the book talking about the band and what happened.

    People don't run out of dreams, People just run out of time

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Thanks. I want to learn more about the band. I was going to read the Ken Caillat book first, but I may as well go straight to the source.

    Was that the only Eagles content? I would have thought they interacted quite a bit, being primary competitors.

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