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Thread: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

  1. #41
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by NightMistBlue View Post
    St. Augustine is waaay north of Miami. I want to visit there too - Marty Balin, formerly of the Jefferson Airplane and Starship, makes his home there. He has an art gallery and also still plays solo concerts.

    Back to the Iggles, as they say in certain parts of Pennsylvania... I'm currently reading a biography of the late ex-Byrd Gene Clark, "Mr. Tambourine Man" by John Einarson. There's a fair amount of Bernie content in it; Mr. Leadon was a member of Dillard & Clark. Bernie provides some pithy insights - he seems like a very interesting man. I wish he'd do more interviews.
    I say "a bit" even when I mean something like 3+ hours away. I've been to St. Augustine a few times. Wish that I'd known about his Asrt Gallery before, but I did get to see the wax musuem they have there and of course, the lighthouse. (I have a picture of my 12 year old self at the top of the lighthouse trying to look cool.)

    Cool about Bernie getting some paper time. He's probably the Eagle I know least about.

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  2. #42
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Last night, I was at my uncle's. He was flipping through the tv channels trying to find something to watch. He stopped on a show from the 80s called One Day At A Time. I vaguely knew about the show, but I recognized the title of a great song.

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  3. #43
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Three' s Company--Chrissy and Janet give up tickets to an Eagles concert to stay home and have dinner with Jack. Chrissy' s quote, "We can go see the Eagles anytime."

    Are you kidding me?

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  4. #44
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Too cool, LT!

    I'd have never given up the tickets tough!
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  5. #45
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by Brooke View Post
    Too cool, LT!

    I'd have never given up the tickets tough!
    I know, right? What the heck?

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  6. #46
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Seriously? They can go see the Eagles anytime, but they can't have dinner with Jack anytime. Wow - talk about a lame script. I guess that just proves what a blonde bimbo Crissy really was.

    I used to watch Three's Company all the time. I thought it was cute, in spite of being very silly. Thanks for posting that, LT - I didn't remember that episode. OMG - the show was even sillier than I thought!

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  7. #47
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Quote Originally Posted by Ive always been a dreamer View Post
    Seriously? They can go see the Eagles anytime, but they can't have dinner with Jack anytime. Wow - talk about a lame script. I guess that just proves what a blonde bimbo Crissy really was.

    I used to watch Three's Company all the time. I thought it was cute, in spite of being very silly. Thanks for posting that, LT - I didn't remember that episode. OMG - the show was even sillier than I thought!
    I caught it accidentally by channel surfing this weekend. Could not believe my ears. LOL...

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  8. #48
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    I wouldn't give up those tickets either!

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  9. #49
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    I wonder what year that episode was from: '77 or '79-'80? I'm overthinking it, I know

    I liked that show when I was a kid. I thought Crissy was funny, it kinda went over my head that she was the stereotypical dumb blonde.

  10. #50
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little things that remind you of the Eagles

    Saw this on Facebook. Even though, it has a "d" in it, I thought of Timothy.

    People don't run out of dreams, People just run out of time

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