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Thread: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    I saw a periscope video on facebook and Don did bring up Glenn at tonight's show. He dedicated Desperado to Glenn. He said something liked he thanks everybody for their love and support and he says here's one for Glenn or something like that. The audio wasn't too good, but I know he said Glenn. Makes me think of Glenn dedicated Desperado to Don back in 1986.

    You just want to hug all of the guys during this different time. They hurting along with us too.
    Last edited by shunlvswx; 06-27-2016 at 10:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border Jonny Come Lately's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    Just got back home from this concert, I'm too tired to write a review now but wanted to say Don's show was absolutely fantastic from start to finish. So, so glad I went. So many great performances of great songs! The band was brilliant, all of them did such a great job. I was touched by his mention of Glenn and after he said it I tried to shout 'Glenn Frey!' although my voice was probably too weak to be audible. All of the Eagles songs got a terrific reception, including The Last Resort. I've also bought a T-shirt - I've got one of the blue ones with ''Don Henley Tour 2016' on the front and the guitar machine head on the back.

  3. #3
    Out on the Border
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    Thumbs up Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    As well as (very obviously) being grateful to Don for his music, I will now also be eternally in his debt for saving me (and a few others I expect) from spending the evening watching England's humiliation in the European Football Championship at the hands of mighty Iceland. I had a wonderful evening which is more than can be said for most English people tonight..............

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    I had a feeling Don would dedicate "Desperado" to Glenn. I agree with you Shun about the hugs. Sounds like another great show and I'm so glad I'm finally going to see him in August.
    "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    That song being Don and Glenn's very first song they wrote together, it was appropriate. That's the song that started their songwriting partnership.

  6. #6
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    Thanks for checking in. Can't wait to hear more about the show after everyone gets some rest.

    And Desperado is the perfect song for Don to dedicate to Glenn. I'll throw in a big hug for him too.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    Hotel California

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    Glad that you had a great time, Jonny. It's nice and very appropriate that Don dedicated Desperado to Glenn. I'm glad that he's doing it, but I can't imagine how much it pains him do it.

    People don't run out of dreams, People just run out of time

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    Here's the video. If you want to skip HC, it start at 7:40.

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border Jonny Come Lately's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Manchester, England - June 27, 2016

    Okay, I’ll write my review in two parts – the first will cover some general comments, then the first half or so of the set, the second post will cover the latter prat. As I write this I am still in something of a daze, it was a truly wonderful experience and I’ve still not quite fully taken it all in. I’ll be thinking of everyone who’s going when he crosses the Atlantic (and of any Borderers in Europe for the rest of his tour here), whether you have been to see Don before or not you are in for an absolute treat. You will not be disappointed!

    Don was in great voice all night, the old golden throat and famous rasp in full evidence. He seemed to be in a good mood, he added in some amusing asides that I will detail later and I loved his dry wit. I was hugely impressed by the band, who were extremely tight, with Steuart and Chris doing a fantastic job with the guitar parts. It was great to see guys who have played with the Eagles like Scott, Michael and Will, but they were all excellent. The show was very non-gimmicky, for want of a better term – there was a good light show but that was about it, I must admit that’s the way I like it personally. With such great music and vocals and it really didn’t need any pyrotechnics.
    The view from our seats was superb, Don was right in front of us and we could see the whole stage. There were times when I didn’t know which way to look! Don rightly commanded attention whenever he was singing although I also kept a close eye on Steuart and Chris especially during the solos. The sound was excellent and during the instrumental sections you could look at one musician and hear out for the parts they were playing.

    I would describe the setlist as roughly three-quarters ‘rock’ and one-quarter ‘country’. To be honest, the only real country songs were those he played from Cass County so if you are considering going to see Don but are put off by the idea of him playing too much country, don’t worry about this. I actually really enjoyed all the Cass County songs, even When I Stop Dreaming which isn’t one of my favourites on record, but the rockers were superb. Don played guitar on quite a few of the rock songs – in some cases like Dirty Laundry this didn’t surprise me too much, although I was slightly surprised to see him with one for The Last Resort, whereas he invariably just sang for the country performances. The stage management was very clever through the use of spotlights and positioning of the instruments, enabling it to quickly change from the bigger, more expansive feel of the stage during the rock numbers to the more intimate feel used for the country songs.

    I saw most of JD & The Straight Shot’s set, I missed the first two songs I think as I was buying my T-shirt (which I’m wearing now!) I have to say I thought they weren’t bad, although some songs were better than others. I’ve certainly seen worse support acts (I remember a few years ago being dragged along to see a singer called Rumer. She was good, but the support act was dreadful – all I remember is his final song was a boring and seemingly endless dirge). There was never any danger of them stealing the show though!

    Here's my rundown of the first half of the show:

    Seven Bridges Road – This started very suddenly, with the spotlights being turned on the moment the vocals started. It was a great moment when the harmony vocals came in, with everyone standing around Don in the middle. This sounded absolutely awesome live! As with most Eagles performances of this song I’ve heard, everyone cheered before the final verse even though the song hadn’t ended!

    Dirty Laundry – Followed on almost immediately from 7BR, this really rocked live! I was sure it would, but putting this one right at the start was a fantastic move. To my ears I felt there was slightly more guitar and less synth on the verses than the original, although this may have been because the guitars were closer to the front of the stage. Don was playing guitar on this one. IIRC I think Chris played one solo and Steuart played the other, can’t remember which way round off the top of my head unfortunately! Guitar work was great either way.

    That Old Flame – This was the first song he played from Cass County. He spoke for a bit before he started, the highlight of which was him saying about how he recorded most of the album in Nashville and he then went on to say ‘the music that comes out of Nashville now… [pause] that’s not country’. Quite a few people laughed when he said this, myself included! This one played really well live with the tension and the terrific vocals. Don sung this one with Lily and they played off each other brilliantly. Chris played the guitar solo on this song with Steuart handling the ‘build up’.

    Sunset Grill – Like Dirty Laundry, this rocked and I preferred this version to the original studio take. In particular I really liked the outro with some additional guitar from Steuart while retaining the piano and keyboards – I think Michael moved between the two at the end of the song. Don sang it very well, I think he hit some pretty high notes here. I notice that this song isn’t included on the setlist on This is definitely a mistake, as I saw and heard this song with my very own eyes and ears!

    Words Can Break Your Heart – Not as much to say here as for some of the others, except that it sounded very good live, especially the chorus where Don harmonised with Laura and I like the song more after hearing it live. Laura sang the ‘cutting words from careless lips’ verse. Afterwards, Don praised her and said she was ‘not just there for decoration!’ This was cheered.

    New York Minute – Another superb performance! Great vocals and lyrics of course, and I was keeping a close eye on Lance Morrison during this song as his bass playing was first rate. I knew the bass was great in the intro but just listening to the song on record it was never apparent (to me at least) how busy the bassist is during the verses. Like the Eagles version on HFO, it ended with Don and the backing singers singing the title lyric acapella, which was cool.

    When I Stop Dreaming – Before this song Don paid tribute to the Louvin brothers, who he described as crazy and also as the inspiration for the Everly brothers. Hearing this live pretty much confirmed what I already thought – I like this song, but I preferred it live to the studio original as Dolly Parton’s voice is a bit ‘cutesy’ for my liking and Erica. Another good performance overall.

    One of These Nights – Don introduced this one by saying ‘here’s one from 1975’. I instantly knew what was coming when he said that, as it’s Don’s only hit from that album. I was very excited when I heard the opening notes. This was a great performance, and I thought Don did a great job with the high notes. I also loved getting to see Steuart play that guitar solo, and seeing the bassist move up and down the fretboard made me realise how much Randy/Tim had on their plate was this song given that they were also singing the high harmony vocals.

    Bramble Rose – I think of the Cass County songs in the main setlist this was the one I most enjoyed, although they were all very good. Don sang the first verse as he did on record, with some excellent mandolin by Michael, before handing over to one of the backing singers for the second verse (it was either Laura or Erica I think). Don sang Mick Jagger’s verse and the harmonica sounded great live – I can’t quite remember who played this, it was either Chris or Will I think but not totally sure, but they did a terrific job.

    It Don’t Matter to the Sun – Whisper it quietly, but I definitely preferred this version to the original! I think getting Steuart to play acoustic guitar on it instead of having the keyboard worked a lot better. I felt it made more of an emotional connection than the original, Don sung it with feeling. (Don’t worry Stevie. I still love you!)

    I Don’t Want to Hear Anymore – Don introduced this one before going off stage, saying how it was written by Paul Carrack, who he praised and described as ‘one of your own’. Lily, Laura and Erica all sang different parts of the song although I can’t recall who sung exactly what. Steuart did a nice job on guitar too. I enjoyed it as this song has grown on me quite a lot on me recently and it was nice to hear something from LROOE.

    Part two coming up soon!

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