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Thread: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border EaglesKiwi's Avatar
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    Default Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    Don sounded amazing, and was very relaxed through his set. He performed 15 songs, and from what I have read of his other shows it sounds like he cut out most of the commentary to fit in more songs - a good move since I couldn't actually hear him speak. This was my first festival, and I thought it was great until I realised people weren't going to shut up during the performances!!! Philistines.

    Set list:
    Seven Bridges Road
    Dirty Laundry
    Sunset Grill
    Shanghai La
    New York Minute (this goes out to everybody in the UK)
    One of These Nights
    It Don't Matter To The Sun
    End Of The Innocence
    The Last Resort (wow)
    Heart of the Matter
    Everybody Wants To Rule The World (very well received)
    Boys of Summer
    Life In The Fast Lane
    Hotel California
    Desperado (introduced very simply as being for Glenn. I cried).

    Don's voice was magnificent throughout, although he was very clearly still devastated by Glenn's death. Before he left the stage he said next up was the incomparable Ms Carole King (I think I've got that right, although as mentioned it was difficult to hear him speaking). I got the impression that he respects her very much.

    Carole herself was also wonderful, using her backing singers very effectively to support her.

    Sorry for the brief review but I only have iPad access which is not fun (plus loads of things to do in London - I love this city!!).

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border
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    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    Thank you for that. I'm now wishing I'd taken the plunge (I thought we would be on holiday and hestitated).

    Here's a lovely review of the show:

  3. #3
    Border Troubadour L101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    Thanks for that review EK - I would have loved to have been there as well. Also thanks for deciphering what he said at the very end - I saw a video of that a few times and could never make out what he said.

    Enjoy the rest of your stay in London - you'll be kept busy
    "The more I know, the less I understand...."

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  4. #4
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    EK, thanks for your thoughts and so glad you had a good time! It would be great to see both of these legends in one night!

    Enjoy London!
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  5. #5
    Border Desperado
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    Thanks for your review EK. Enjoy the rest of your stay in London. I'm envious!

    Thanks for the link to the culturemap review, UtW. I was very happy to read about some of the differences in this Henley performance:

    "There were several differences in this concert from a typical Henley performance. First, Henley seemed to embrace that he and his band would carry the Eagles standard now and would devote a good part of his shows to the Eagles songbook."
    . . .
    "The third and most poignant difference came after a rousing “Hotel California,” where Henley played the conga drums. He paused, removed his sunglasses and said, "This has been a tough year for our camp. We have heard and read your condolences. Thank you for your love and support. Glenn, this one’s for you,” as he launched into an emotional “Desperado” to end his set."

    The review also included some wise advice:

    ". . . many of the artists we grew up with and love have rounded third base in their careers, and if we want to see them live again we should jump at the chance. We might not get another."

  6. #6
    Border Troubadour
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    Wow, EK!!! I am suffering from severe PDW syndrome and just wish I had gone to Hyde Park - Don looked and sounded amazing!!!!

    Isn't he just wonderful? Glad you're enjoying your trip.
    ...Well it sure makes you wonder the things that some people will say. They can see black and white but they don't seem to notice the grey...

  7. #7
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    Thanks for the reviews. I love hearing about these wonderful shows.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  8. #8
    Border Rebel StephUK's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    Better late than never! I was also at the Hyde Park show last Sunday.
    I'm glad EaglesKiwi posted the set list as I never remember the order or I miss out something.

    It's already been said but I'm going to repeat it anyway, Don was in fine form and it was a great show. The weather was sunny and warm and the audience was in a good mood (it was the first day of real summer-like weather we've had so far this year). Every song was greeted with real enthusiasm by the audience, and lots of people around me were singing along & having a great time. '7BR' and 'It don't matter to the sun', the 'harmony' songs were performed excellently, and I heard people around me saying how amazing they sounded - and I wasn't standing in the middle of lots of die-hard Henley fans(I had asked some of them before Don started his set, and they mainly said they were there for Carole King, and hadn't seen Don Henley perform before).
    'Everybody wants to rule the world' went down a storm too. Like others, I loved hearing 'The Last Resort', and so beautifully performed.

    Don looked well, and was in good spirits. He made a comment about the weather, and how the sun wasn't supposed to be there. It was probably the first time they'd seen it since they arrived here, and the weather forecast for Sunday was overcast with possible showers. I'm so glad it was wrong, as it often is.

    Cameras, 'phones & tablets were raised above heads everywhere, but Don just had to accept on this occasion 'cos it wasn't his call, and it would have been impossible to enforce a 'no photos' rule anyway, as in excess of 60K people had passed through the entry gates, and probably most were around the Great Oaks stage area by that time (although it wasn't the only stage). It was certainly quite packed with people in the Premium View area where I was.
    Premium View isn't that close to the stage, but it is in direct line, so you're not out on the sides.

    There were only 2 female backing singers - Lily Elise wasn't there. Other than that it was the rest of the Cass County tour band. The totally lovely Will Hollis looked gorgeous, even though he still has a beard (I've kind-of accepted it now, although I still prefer to see him without it).

    All in all, it was a good afternoon/evening and I came away feeling relaxed and happy(a very peaceful easy feeling), even more impressed by Don's solo show, and even more in love with Will.

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    Steph. I didn't know you went too. Thanks for the recap.

    Here's Everybody Wants To Rule The World.

  10. #10
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Hyde Park 3 July (with Carole King)

    I was hoping you'd post a review, Steph! Thanks for that!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

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