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Thread: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

  1. #1
    Out on the Border
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    Sierra Foothills

    Default Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    What a wonderful evening at Harvey's Outdoor Concert venue in Lake Tahoe. We try to catch a concert here every year, but the last one we saw there was the Eagles HOTE tour in September, 2014. I feel so blessed to have seen that show so we especially wanted to see Don Henley here.

    The show started around 8:00 pm which meant the sun had just started setting, which also meant people were not in their seats when they opened with Seven Bridges. The song was fabulous but since at least half of the people were still milling about and so many people taking their seats around us we didn't get to enjoy the song. Someone at Harvey's should have started announcing 15 minutes before the show started for people to take their seats.

    Our seats were center stage about 30 rows back and after two songs there were still 3 full long rows of seats in front of us with no one in them. It was so obvious and strange. Don finally said "guess the rich people haven't arrived yet" which I found incredibly funny. The Celebrity Golf tournament had just ended that day and I figured these were comp tickets to all the VIP's attending that event or the casino high rollers and they didn't show up. After the first 5 songs, many people in my section started moving up which filled those seats in. It didn't look so bizarre after that.

    Don's voice was in good form, not great, but he had just performed the night before in Berkeley. I would think back-to-back concerts take a toll. The band was incredible and the three female singers were wonderful. I had read another review that said the females were not dressed appropriately, but they looked fine for this concert. Maybe someone took notice or it was because it was a night time show.

    One of the special moments came early after singing "Sunset Grill". People cheered after the song, but the applause grew louder and louder for about 2-3 minutes with a standing ovation. Even Don looked a little humbled by that.

    When we saw the Eagles in Sept 2014, I don't remember Don speaking at all so it was nice to hear him and see his personality. He was incredibly witty and charming. One of the things he battled all night were the bugs in the white lights on stage. Very funny talking about that and before the girls sang the solo he said he was leaving the stage to find a can of "Off" so he could douse himself in it.

    He did mention a couple of times the challenge of performing in the 6000 ft altitude which I am certain is very hard. Even I take it easy whenever we go during the first day let alone singing for two hours.

    My only disappointment was Don did not perform "All She Wants to Do Is Dance". I was expecting it as an encore, but Harvey's has a time restriction for their concerts because it is in a neighborhood so he cut it. Don's last song was Desperado and only said "this is for Glenn". Everyone cheered wildly. The concert ending up being around 2 hours and 5 minutes.

    All in all, great crowd (once they arrived and sat down) great venue and great evening with Don Henley and his fantastic band!

  2. #2
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Thanks for your review, EDF! So glad you came in to give your thoughts! Sounds like Don did not disappoint, which he never does!

    And welcome to the Border!
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  3. #3
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Thank you! I've been a member for a while just never saw the email to subscribe so I could post. What was also wonderful was all the people we were sitting around saw that Eagles show in Sept, 2014 which was simply incredible. I just got cold chills thinking about it. To be sitting around all of these great Eagles and Glenn and Don fans Sunday night was awesome!

    My husband also shares Don's July 22 birthday, just a few years younger. He isn't as much as a music fan as I am, but he lets me drag him to all of my outings. I am very lucky!

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Welcome, EDF.

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  5. #5
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Thank you LuvTim! I now live near Tim's hometown of Sacramento. He is quite the celebrity here as he should be.

  6. #6
    Border Desperado
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Welcome from me, too. And thanks for your review.

    My hubby sounds like yours. When I got tickets for the HFO show back in 1994, he bailed at the last minute. We were going with a group so I wasn't completely stranded. He enjoyed the Berkeley show, especially when Don shared his stories and engaged with the crowd. I was shocked that he recognized "When I Stop Dreaming." He used to listen to a lot of country music before we met and I guess the tune stuck with him.

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Quote Originally Posted by EaglesDoFly View Post
    Thank you LuvTim! I now live near Tim's hometown of Sacramento. He is quite the celebrity here as he should be.
    You lucky duck! I used to live just south of Sacramento. Loved it there.

    Hope you have a lot of fun here at the Border.

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  8. #8
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Welcome from me as well, EDF. Thank you for the review. Fan reviews are always the best and most enjoyable, IMHO.

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  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Welcome EDF and thanks for your review too!!!
    "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."

  10. #10
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Don Henley at Harvey's Lake Tahoe 7/24/16

    Thank you to all the wonderful members for your welcome. I told Sodascouts (and thank you for activating my account) in a private message I saw the Eagles when I was 18 in 1974 at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis. Dan Fogelberg opened that show. Maybe there is someone on this board that was at that show too! Then again 40 years later at Tahoe in Sept 2014. What a full circle life moment. Only wish I had seen them live 100 times in between. I do have many of the live DVD's and like many of you have said in these posts hopefully there is a DVD/CD of the live shows of the HOTE tour.

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