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Thread: Joe Walsh in Charleston, SC - Aug. 11, 2016

  1. #1
    Border Desperado
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    Default Joe Walsh in Charleston, SC - Aug. 11, 2016

    Thanks for the reviews. Glad you had fun! Last Thursday, I got to see Joe in Charleston, SC, and it was incredible!

    He had the same opening band. Joe came on about 8:45 and played till 10:15 ish.

    He played all his hits. It was wild to hear him singing iconic songs like -- Funk 49, In the City, Life's Been Good, and of course, Rocky Mountain Way.

    I listen to his little videos after various shows, and I must say those don't do Joe's voice justice, but he is great in person. We were in a new building, and he kept talking about it being "profound", having great acoustics, etc. so maybe he'll come back again.

    Some expressed concern about Everyday People being subbed in, but it is a very appropriate song still today for our troubled world. It sounded fabulous, very true to the original anthem. I loved it! I heard Joe on tv say that James Gang had toured with Sly and the Family Stone, but that they would never come out of the dressing room, so it seemed funny them playing that song. I think Sly has had addiction problems for a long time, but they were a fantastic band, at one point.

    I also had concerns about Take It to the limit -- I mean that is Randy's song and no one will ever do it like he did back in the day, but Joe did a great job on the first verse, and his band singer was great on the following verses. From You Tube I couldn't tell much about the background video, but it was very good and appropriate for the songs. I got a little misty watching it during Glenn's tribute

    He was funny and engaging with the audience...seemed like Real Joe. Just loved the show and everyone in the audience seemed to as well.

    We sat back on the floor level about 20 rows, but toward the end, you could walk down toward the stage..loved that!

    Now if the stars could just all align and we could see Don Felder and Joe back together on stage with their dueling guitars, I think the Universe would explode with rockin' goodness!

  2. #2
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh 2016 Toor: July 19th, Clay Center, Charleston, WV

    Eagles7, I made your post into a new thread, since it was about the Charleston show. I hope that's OK!

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  3. #3
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh in Charleston, SC - Aug. 11, 2016

    E7, glad you enjoyed the show! Joe is fantastic!
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
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  4. #4
    Border Desperado
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh in Charleston, SC - Aug. 11, 2016

    oh, I thought this was just a post about Joe 's shows. Ok

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