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Thread: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    Don's concert was amazing!!!!!! I'm so happy I finally got to see him. I just loved it so much and his voice was fantastic. Loved getting to hear everyone sing along with the hits, all the different styles of music with the Eagles hits, 80s hits, and the "Cass County" country/bluegrass. The set list was the same except he didn't do "All She Wants to Do is Dance", but we heard it on the way back home on the radio as well as "Take it to the Limit". I loved the radios they had hanging from the stage as it built up through all the decades till they started with "Seven Bridges Road". It was just fantastic!!!

    Pre-concert my brother and I went out to eat at Hardees (Carl's Jr for those on the west coast) as we still don't have one in Columbus, but I also got a cheeseburger in honor of Glenn. My brother kept thinking we were going to be the youngest there but I kept telling him there would be various ages there and I was right. We passed a group of 5 cute 20-somthing guys who I seriously think must be a band as they just had that appearance to them and reminded me of the photo shoots of the guys in the 70s, but I overheard them too were worrying there wasn't going to be too many younger fans. Then when we got to our seat we sat next to a dad with his two young daughters and a young 30-something couple. With the guy's two daughters one was about 15 and so amazed by the Eagles story. She kept asking her dad questions about them and realizing how young they were when they got famous. The other daughter was about 8 or 9, around the same age I was when HFO happened and they reunited which made me want to learn everything I could about them as my parents were fans too. That was just pretty cool.

    Also there was a guy who had a replica Eagles softball jersey Don was wearing in that footage from the HOTE doc!!!

    The venue there is just great and the weather was perfect. I loved getting to sing along to all the songs with all the fans, especially "Hotel California" and someone in my section kept singing Randy parts on all the songs really well too. Again Don was fantastic and the band was amazing!!! The girls are such great singers too. My brother also loved Don's cover of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" as I didn't tell him about it before hand. Don got many standing ovations too.

    Don was also hilarious too and told some of the same jokes I saw others post about. Some women screamed when he mentioned the 80s but I couldn't tell what they said but it must have been something about how Don looked in the 80s as he joked he apparently looked good back then. LOL He also mentioned they (I'm assuming the Eagles) "had some crazy/fun times in Cincinnati" which made me wonder what that meant. LOL

    Then I did tear up when Don dedicated "Desperado" to Glenn and also when he sang "New York Minute" as I feel that song takes on a whole new meaning now. I heard so many of the fans cheering for Glenn or saying his name before Don started singing and it was very emotional.

    It was just amazing and I'm so happy I was finally able to see Don!!! It may not have been the Eagles like I wanted but Glenn was totally there in spirit.
    "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    Great recap. I love reading everybody's recaps from this leg of the tour. Hearing the stories from some who have seen him many times or their your first time. Makes me soo excited to see him in January for the first time.

    I'm glad you and your brother had fun and enjoyed Don.

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    So glad you had a good time, Buffy. "I loved the radios they had hanging from the stage as it built up through all the decades till they started with 'Seven Bridges Road'." That sounds neat.

    OT: I did not know Hardees and Carl's Jr. were the same. So I don't have to try Carl's Jr to see what I've been missing. I was put off by their commercials anyway

  4. #4
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    Buffy, so glad Don put on a good show for you! Of course, he always does!

    Quote Originally Posted by NightMistBlue View Post
    OT: I did not know Hardees and Carl's Jr. were the same. So I don't have to try Carl's Jr to see what I've been missing. I was put off by their commercials anyway
    NMB, my husband think's Hardees has the best commercials on tv!
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  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    Is it the same sort of thing, models wearing little besides a sheen of baby oil eating big, sloppy cheeseburgers? I don't get it, man!

  6. #6
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    Quote Originally Posted by NightMistBlue View Post
    Is it the same sort of thing, models wearing little besides a sheen of baby oil eating big, sloppy cheeseburgers? I don't get it, man!
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  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border AlreadyGone95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    I hate their commercials, but Hardees' food is pretty good. I love their chicken strips.

    Glad that you had a great time, Buffy!

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  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    Thanks everyone and I'm so happy I finally was able to see him!!! It was just amazing. I hadn't seen that mentioned in the reviews about the set decoration and the build up of the music/history clips on the radios but it was really cool.

    Yes, they are the same place NMB. Always thought it was weird they have different names depending on which side of the country you're on and know a couple other restaurants that are like that too. I can't stand the ads but I really like the food. They got great burgers and breakfast food. Haven't tried the chicken yet.
    "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."

  9. #9
    Border Troubadour L101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    Buffy, so glad you loved Don's concert and finally got to see him - it's nearly two months since I saw him and the PDW is not getting any easier
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  10. #10
    Border Rebel RudieCantFail's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley in Cincinatti 8/23/16

    Glad to hear that you had a great time, Buffy! Thanks for sharing your recap. Were you thinking of saying something like, 'You still look great now, Don!' after the 80s shout out? Or were you too shy or just didn't want to be seen as disruptive? I understand not saying anything, since I'd be shy or I'd only think of it later. Also, where were your seats?

    Here's a link to Don photos from Cincinnati. There's a smiley Don pic in the photo set:

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