I'm sorry to hear of all your trouble with jobs and also your neighbor, Elle. Fingers crossed on the job search and I wish you best of luck. It sounds like moving back was a good choice for you.
Personally, I have *totally* given up on trying to bring someone into my life. After an entire childhood from Pre-K to High School of being an outcast and being bullied I have not much of a stable self-image. I am also not a conventionally masculine guy. I mean I like some things most men do, but not all of them. I kinda beat to the sound of my own drum and don't fit gender roles. A stoic ripped lumberjack with charm I am not.

I also have major trust issues with people and I'd rather just not get involved at this point in my life. Do I get lonely sometimes, absolutely. But I was dealt an unfair hand and I've learned it's easier to accept your fate, flip the bird to "the man" for putting me into this life, and go down my own path with family who love me and don't care that I'm *different* or that I cannot provide what most men can. I realize I will likely outlive the family that cares about me and have no friends, and when that happens I'll probably check out of this life but my family really are the main motivator for me to stick it out and in the words of REO Speedwagon - keep pushin' on! It's a combination of feeling comfortable being alone, with occasional times of where I wish things were different but I face the facts. But as I age I'm getting more comfortable with coming to terms with everything. When I was younger I really struggled with the terms of being forever alone and why I couldn't find someone, feeling unwanted, broken goods, etc. I was my own worst enemy. Once I realized it wasn't meant to be and learned to cope with it, the more I liked being a hermit crab after all. I can't break my own heart. And I have learned to fill some of that void with online communication where it's a keep-you-at-a-distance way to connect.
I just had lower back spinal surgery on Friday. I had a L5-S1 Laminectomy for foraminal stenosis. In one year I've had a neck fusion, a lower back procedure, and then the nerve stimulators for depression. It's been a lot.