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Thread: Former Eagles will not be honored by the Kennedy Center later this year.

  1. #41
    Stuck on the Border Witchy Woman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I no longer am happy with my favorite band

    Isn't it about time to stop complaining about this ? It gets old having to hear about how the other 3 got snubbed. Whether it was Don's decision or whomever's it's irrelevant. Yes, I get that they weren't being honored for music that wasn't made with Leadon, Meisner, and Felder. What I do know is that Bernie and Randy quit, and Felder was fired. To honor the current members isn't unreasonable or inappropriate. What's done is done, and it's time to move forward. I don't like the fact that Donald Trump is my President, but I can't do anything but accept it and move on. Endlessly harping about an unchangeable situation is pointless.

  2. #42
    Border Desperado Vector's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Why I no longer am happy with my favorite band

    Quote Originally Posted by Witchy Woman View Post
    Isn't it about time to stop complaining about this ? It gets old having to hear about how the other 3 got snubbed. Whether it was Don's decision or whomever's it's irrelevant. Yes, I get that they weren't being honored for music that wasn't made with Leadon, Meisner, and Felder. What I do know is that Bernie and Randy quit, and Felder was fired. To honor the current members isn't unreasonable or inappropriate. What's done is done, and it's time to move forward. I don't like the fact that Donald Trump is my President, but I can't do anything but accept it and move on. Endlessly harping about an unchangeable situation is pointless.
    Endlessly harping?

    Look we are all entitled to our opinions, and I guess yours differs from mine.
    Correct me if I am wrong, but the awards were just a few weeks ago. This is my first visit to the forum in years, and my first comment on the awards, and the overall theme of this thread.

    Heck, I'd liked nothing better than to have come back and commented on how this event was helping to change my image of my favorite group to a more positive one.
    Obviously if Frey were to have recovered from deaths door, he might have had a much different perspective. Fame is fleeting, and life precious, so he might very well have decided to bury the hatchet with Meisner & Felder. We already know he had gotten past his animosity with Leadon, hence the touring together.

    Think about it. In retrospect, wouldn't it have been nice to see all of them on stage again, like at the HOF induction?
    I cannot imagine any true Eagles fan that wouldn't want to see that.
    It certainly would have gone a long way to help heal the rift many fans of the group feel.

  3. #43
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Why I no longer am happy with my favorite band

    Other people have been talking and writing about it for the last eighteen months and it seems that there is nothing new that you or anyone else can bring to the subject. There are already two threads on the subject.

    However, I'll point out that we still don't know who decided who should receive the gaudy ribbons. My money is on Azoff with Henley happy to go along with the decision.

    What should matter to us is who we want to honour and for me, that will always be the original four-man line-up. No one can take that away from me.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Why I no longer am happy with my favorite band

    I understand how only four Eagles were to receive the Kennedy Center Honor. Awards shows wouldn't have a major influence on my status as an Eagles fan.

    In retrospect, I think Don, Joe, Tim and Glenn's wife were an inadequate representation of The Eagles. In comparison to the Rock'N' Roll Hall Of Fame Induction, it was a poor relation. They looked past caring.

    Rick Wakeman has said he wont be involved in the Yes's induction into R'n'R Hall Of Fame because it's too late, after the death of Christopher Squires.

    Glenn's untimely death meant less than half the band were there to represent the band. I'm pleased that they appeared to enjoy themselves, especially Glenn's widow but I thought it was a disappointing way to sign off as a band.

  5. #45
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I no longer am happy with my favorite band

    Quote Originally Posted by UndertheWire View Post
    However, I'll point out that we still don't know who decided who should receive the gaudy ribbons. My money is on Azoff with Henley happy to go along with the decision.
    We do know that it was Azoff, as the Kennedy Center president confirmed to the reporter from the Washington Post. And he would have been carrying out the wishes of his friend and client, Mr. Henley.

    But it's all over now, to quote the Rolling Stones.

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Former Eagles will not be honored by the Kennedy Center later this year.

    Quote Originally Posted by UndertheWire View Post
    Interesting comparison. Would you judge Pete Townsend by his own words, too? If so, here he is "embracing" with open arms (and you'll probably want to skip the first minute):
    I couldn't watch any of it UndertheWire. It must be a cultural difference between The UK and US. It'd be considered severely ill mannered to have spotlights constantly on audience members during a stage show in the UK.

    I'm not really bothered about the remnants of The Who. They were never all about the music. They used to destroy their instruments as part of their show. I'm pleased they replaced Kenny Jones and became a great band again but I'd never consider myself a fan.

    I'm hoping that, in hindsight, the Eagles will be remembered as an evolving band of seven gifted musicians rather than the two figureheads plus sundries they've become since LROOE and HOTE.
    I don't think the KCH will have a major bearing on how the Eagles are viewed in future.

  7. #47
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I no longer am happy with my favorite band

    Quote Originally Posted by UndertheWire View Post
    Other people have been talking and writing about it for the last eighteen months and it seems that there is nothing new that you or anyone else can bring to the subject. There are already two threads on the subject.
    I'm moving these posts to one of those threads.

    Vector, I don't know how familiar you are with message boards, but it's bad form to ignore threads other people have started on a topic and instead resurrect one you started three years ago to discuss a matter.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  8. #48
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why I no longer am happy with my favorite band

    Like it's been stated before the Kennedy Center does have it's own set of rules of how to honor what they deem current members of the band and as of 2015 when they were chosen the current members were Glenn, Don, Joe, and Timothy. As for the ceremony it's self I loved it and it was such a nice tribute to the band from other great artists that I'm also a fan of. Really the band isn't supposed to be involved with how they are honored as it's all supposed to be done by the Kennedy Center, which is a government organization. Plus the ribbons/medallions have been the same since this honor was started almost 40 years ago. It's a huge honor and the top award someone in the performing arts can receive in the US besides the President giving someone a Medal of Freedom (which can go to any civilian). I wish Randy, Bernie, and Don Felder were given more credit but it wasn't our call and I don't like seeing people disrespect something that is a honor to receive in my country.
    "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."

  9. #49
    Border Rebel secret squirrel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Former Eagles will not be honored by the Kennedy Center later this year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post

    No doubt many people signed the petition knowing it would not effect any real change, but we did it to make our voices heard and to stand up for three people we believe to be to be very talented musicians--singers, songwriters, instrumentalists--who played their own substantial roles in the success of the band and are part of the reason why the band made such a cultural impact. At the very least it did raise awareness and helped remind people that yes, indeed, there were 3 other Eagles and they still matter to a whole lot of fans.
    What she said ...

    Love Glenn and Don, Timothy and Joe, but also Bernie, Don F and Randy. And can appreciate their contributions without getting into every snide aside ever reported.


  10. #50
    Border Desperado Vector's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Why I no longer am happy with my favorite band

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    I'm moving these posts to one of those threads.

    Vector, I don't know how familiar you are with message boards, but it's bad form to ignore threads other people have started on a topic and instead resurrect one you started three years ago to discuss a matter.
    I must say that I do not believe I did anything inappropriate or in bad form. My posts you moved were not exclusively related to the thread you have placed them in.
    Instead they were part of my overall theme in the thread I started discussing how I went from straight up fan, to being disillusioned with all the infighting/politics/backbiting etc.

    If I were to use your suggested criteria, mentioning Frey's passing in two parts of my post would require me to go look up threads about it, and post those snippets there. Then the same would be true about the Kennedy Honors aspect, and so on.
    I suspect if that were enforced/required of every post, the board would not be functional, and the moderators overwhelmed looking for various threads to insert posts that most closely matched the theme of the thread.

    Additionally, the part where I pointed out how all of them being reunited could go a long way to healing the fans perception of them, would need to be put into the thread I started about being unhappy with them.

    Now I could be wrong, but if I were to have had a change of heart and wanted to say my view of Frey & Henley had changed, you wouldn't object to it being a tidy ending to my thread which is mostly critical of them.
    However if my view hasn't changed, and more importantly has hardened when various things occur, I see no reason to have to parcel out individual aspects of my displeasure into various threads that may be related.

    Sure if all I want to discuss is the Kennedy awards, I believe you would be correct. But I wished to discuss other things that have happened that reinforce my displeasure with some of the members and their decisions. It is the totality of it all, not the individual parts.
    I really don't see why that should be frowned upon and/or prohibited.

    I suspect certain posters may not like my opinion, but that is hardly a reason
    to prevent me from discussing my viewpoint in a thread based on my various observations.

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