The show last night was awesome! I'll be back with a more detailed review later - need to get my thoughts in some kind of order and I'm too tired to do that right now.
The show last night was awesome! I'll be back with a more detailed review later - need to get my thoughts in some kind of order and I'm too tired to do that right now.
As I mentioned above, this was a great show. The evening started off on the wrong foot, as the uber we were taking from our dinner restaurant outside the city cancelled. My son and I were both getting low on cell phone batteries, and we were nervous about being able to contact them again after the show, so we decided to take the T (subway train) in and take a cab from South Station. Bad decision as we didn't get to thevenue until almost 7:50 (for a 7:30 show). The cab driver didn't speak much English, and at first he didn't seem to understand where we wanted to go. When he finally understood, he started driving, but was on the cell phone talking in French to "ma cherie" the whole ride (and it wasn't a hands-free cell phone, either!) I was beside myself thinking of how much we were missing, but the show didn't start until 8, so it was all good. Perfect timing! Our seats were great (7th row), although a little far to the right (facing the stage). We had a very good view of Stuart and his guitar playing, but when they did the choral numbers with everyone gathering around DH, we couldn't really see Don! The Blue Hills Pavilion is a smaller outdoor venue and it was a nice night, although Don complained about it being Texas weather and said he was sweating so much he had to change his shirt during the break (from the white shirt and vest to the green plaid). Whatever he was wearing, he looked great.
The set list was pretty much the same as has been mentioned for the previous shows. I think the only exception was that It Don't Matter to the Sun was sung as a group, with the three young women and Don all signing parts, and the male vocalists singing some harmonies. Best of My Love was also done as a group around the microphone.
They started with Seven Bridges Road. I have to admit that this has never been a favorite of mine, although I usually love a Capella singing.
That being said, I prefer the Eagles version to this one. For some reason, some of the vocals, and whatever background instrumentation they had on this song, sounded way too loud. I thought Don's backup singers were fantastic overall, especially Lara, but they did tend to yell a little bit when singing (a criticism I have of many current female vocalists). Aside from that, they all have powerful voices. I think their mikes could have been turned down a bit. Okay, so the song wasn't the best, but it certainly wasn't terrible, either!
I think it was during the next song, Dirty Laundry, that Don stopped singing the words in the middle to tell someone, "Put that thing away." After the song, he made his usual comment about making a deal with everyone that they could film and take pictures during HC, but to put them away the rest of the time. It worked out okay, except that for the two remaining songs after HC, everyone kept the phones and IPads up the whole time. I could barely see during Desperado because of this, which made me glad they have the cell phone policy.
When Don first started talking, his voice made a funny sound, like a high note, in the middle of a sentence. He laughed and said it was almost the end of the tour and that he needed some water. He walked a little toward the back to get the water, and then kept talking. As others have said on this tour, he seemed very casual and relaxed the whole evening. I was thinking, "Oh, no, his voice is giving out and he hasn't even really started to sing yet. Yikes!" But it was fine. On the first few songs, his voice wasn't quite there in spots, but after that, he was strong. he then sang That Old Flame with Lily, and afterward said "We're going to hear a lot more from the ladies tonight and you (pointing to the audience as he said it) are going to like it." He had a very cute grin when he said it.
I may be relaying what people have already heard, but before The Last Resort, he told a little story about how he met the girl from Providence (who originally came to the states from Czechoslovakia) in an Aspen bar and helped her finish building her log cabin. He did an awesome version of the song and received a standing ovation for that, as well as one for the The Heart of the Matter. The back-up singers received a partial one for I Don't Want to Hear Anymore. The sounded fantastic, but I'm still partial to Timothy's version. Softer and sweeter.
The rest of the show was great. The backup musicians were first-rate, particularly Steuart (although maybe I just noticed his more, since he was right in front of us!) Despite all their talent, though, I have to admit that I missed Joe on Hotel California and Life in the Fast Lane. Those two songs, particularly the latter, didn't sound quite right without his playing.
After Lara and Don sang Wasted Time (awesome!), Don started to talk about meeting a "fellow named Glenn Frye" in 197?. He sounded like he was going to say a little more than that, but the crowd was making a lot of noise, so he just said, "This is the first song we wrote together. This one's for Glenn." He sounded fantastic on Desperado.![]()
I mentioned in the anticipation thread that I didn't know if my son would enjoy it, although he loved the two previous Eagles' concerts he went to, but he loved it! He was impressed with the back-up singers and musicians (and Don, of course!), and said there were only two songs he wasn't that crazy about. (It's good that we went this summer and not last fall when DH was doing so much more of Cass County and not as much Eagles. I wouldn't have minded that so much, but my son would have!)
I hope I haven't babbled on too long in my excitement. I could go on a little longer, but I think I've gone on long enough. All in all, it was an awesome night!
Last edited by maryc2130; 09-22-2016 at 10:09 PM.
MC - thanks for the great review!
I love that Don put on his "Irish shirt" as I call it, as the only other time he wore it was when he played in Ireland.
I actually wish he didn't do so much group singing though - I want to hear him sing, not a group!! But I'll take him anyway I can get him![]()
"The more I know, the less I understand...."
Don't crack up, bend your brain, see both sides, throw off your mental chains"
Great review, Maryc, thanks! I'm glad you made it to the show on time. It's a good thing he'll be in Texas during January b/c the "Texas weather" here is hot and muggy.
Well, I guess it's fitting that he wore his "Irish shirt" Tuesday night. As you probably know, there are quite a few Irish and Irish Americans in Boston. Not only that, but my son is 1st generation Irish as his dad is a Dubliner, whoc came to this country when he was 20. Also, my grandparents on my father's side were from Ireland!
Thanks for sharing your review, MC2130! Whoa, you made it in the nick of time. That must have been stressful.
Do you mind sharing a bit more of that story he told about The Last Resort? I've never heard this story before, since he didn't say much about it back in Berkeley other than that it's like a history song. I'm glad that you got to see Don in two outfits in one night. I prefer the red or green plaid shirt for the casual look, but I don't mind it when he just puts a red plaid shirt over the shirt and vest. No offense to Don at all, but the shirt and vest makes him look older and more professional compared to just the plaid.
It's too bad that people were obstructing your view with their devices after Hotel California. I mean, phones are bearable at least, but really, an iPad? Whoa, there. Anyways, glad that you had a great time, and don't worry about babbling on and on. It's fine, in fact, I like long reviews, since it makes me feel like I've witnessed it as well. If there are any more details that you'd like to add, feel free.
Great review, mc2130! It sounds like you had a great evening with our Don! So happy you made it in time.![]()
It's all in your smile that brings
All of the special things about you
Mc, thanks for your wonderful review! I love them because I feel like I was there too when you give so much detail! I'm also glad you made it to the show in time to see it all! I would have been pretty upset if the cab driver made me late! And those darn ipads! They are just too big for concerts!
Sounds like Don did a great job!![]()
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