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Thread: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    It was show. The people were very hype at the bottom. The people where I was sitting were so dead and people were getting up a lot to get something to drink or bathroom. It was a little annoying.

    The venue was beautiful and I thought the acoustics was great from where I was sitting. We had TV screens. So for us at the top, we got to see Don on the screens and he didn't look like an ant. Lol Other complaint I had with the screen was they were little late getting to whoever was playing, but I was thankful for the screens.

    On to the show. It was amazing. Again. Don was very talkative. In a very good mood and so funny.

    The audience at the bottom were howdy. They were yelling I love you, Don and other things I couldn't hear. Somebody yell out something and he was like I'm just glad to be here. One lady was hollering a lot and Don was like I have what she's having.

    The audience just made it so energetic the first few minutes. Don was like settle down. The audience continue. Don was like just go ahead and let it out. Don did the come on bring it on gesture with his hands. I think deep down, I think Don was loving every minute of that.

    He dedicated Witchy Woman to Jerry Seinfield who was there the night before. I talked about Jerry's old show and I guess that was why he dedicated to him. I think I missed the reference. I just know about Desperado.

    Somewhere at the beginning of the show he talked about the world was going bat shit crazy or something like that. He was right. He said that line in Austin too.

    Tonight Don was a little hoarse and kinda struggling, but he was hitting the high notes. A little story. I think it was before introducing of the band (I could be wrong. Somebody who was also there, if you remembered where he said that in the show). So I'm guessing Don was knowing his voice was hoarse. So he goes back to the mike with a lemon in his hand. This is a lemon with salt. He said it helps with his thoat ( I don't know how to spell it but it was funny how he said it) but also bad for your teeth. The lemon really did helped with this throat because his voice got better afterward. I'm surprised he came back to the mike and say he was doing.

    He brought up Trump, but it was more like we need to pray for our nation and the president elect.

    As Don was introducing Chris and him being from Dallas. He talked about how it was bad night. It looks somebody was watching the game before the show. Sorry Cowboys fans. It was a great game. I was rooting for them all season.

    I loved the story he told for The Last Resort. I wonder if he dated her. Lol Don was so into this song at the climax of the song. That's the Don I love when he put his heart into. I love the Henley yell. Lol

    Of course brought up how 2016 was a bad year and he was happy that it was over. He thanked the fans for their love and support from last year. I was saying to myself, Don Glenn's anniversary of his death is coming up in a few days. He didn't do this one's for Glenn. He was more I'm going to do a few songs I wrote with my friend and an amazing guy, Glenn Frey. I know Don missed him so much. We all do.

    The set list was kinda different. He didn't sing Everybody Knows or Best of My Love. Other than that. No surprises and the set list was the same from Austin other than those 2 songs that wasn't sung. But I'm glad we got Everybody Knows and Best of my Love.

    Overall it was a good show. I think Austin was my favorite of the two. If I can think of more, I will put more down. Since we really didn't have security up where I was, I took a few pictures.

    Also i don't know what happened, but the police came to where I was and escorted two people out. I don't know what happened there.
    Last edited by shunlvswx; 01-16-2017 at 01:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border buffyfan145's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    Thanks for the 2nd review and glad you had a great time at both shows!!! As for the "Witchy Woman" reference in "Seinfeld" that song was in the episode too. Elaine and Jerry talked about the song and Jerry pronounced it "Witch a Women". LOL Also they used that song at the very end of the episode as a doctor heard that song while operating on a patient and got distracted like the "Desperado" guy.
    "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border Delilah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    My Evening with Don Henley

    Don was awesome! He was funny and talkative and charming. Most of all, his voice sounded great, if just a bit shaky at times. He strained at some moments, but it was seen more than heard. He was clean-shaven and his hair looked like it had some red tint.

    The SFC was really nice, being brand-spanking new, clean and pristine. Don mentioned that he was the first musical act to perform there.

    The opening act was JD and the Straight Shot. All I will say is I admire Shun for having sit through that twice.😴

    I was in the "orchestra" section on the first floor. I didn't realize we were so rowdy, lol. Actually I probably would have been shouting out stuff too but I was too far from the stage. But it was funny to hear Don telling the audience to "settle down" in his dry, humorous way.

    Don was accompanied on stage by (gulp) 12 musicians and the 3 backing vocalists (one who also played violin at times). I didn't realize he had such a large entourage. He joked about it by saying he didn't make a lot of money but it was fun, or something like that.

    This is the set list:

    Seven Bridges Road
    Dirty Laundry
    That Old Flame (w/ Erica Swindell)
    Sunset Grill*
    Witchy Woman**
    When I Stop Dreaming (w/ Erica Swindell)
    One of These Nights
    New York Minute
    Shangri La
    It Don't Matter to the Sun (w/ Lily Elise)
    End of the Innocence
    The Last Resort***
    Talking to the Moon
    band introductions****
    Heart of the Matter
    Everybody Wants to Rule the World
    Boys of Summer
    Life in the Fast Lane
    Hotel California

    Before the next two songs, Don talked about the tough year and thanked all the fans for their kind words and condolences: "we heard you and we appreciate it." Then, "I'd like to do for you right now a couple of songs that I wrote with an incredible friend and a really talented guy named Glenn Frey." There was a lot of applause after this. Someone yelled out "God bless Glenn Frey!"

    He proceeded to sing Wasted Time, which was wonderful, but he shared the lead with Laura Johnston and I would have preferred he sing the whole thing himself, although she has a great, powerful voice.

    Next he performed Desperado, the last song of the night. I was somewhat disappointed he didn't play drums at all (except the bongos like Shun said) but it was understandable. Hopefully I got the names of the ladies right.

    *he told a story of a little old man from Austria who ran a hot dog(?) place in L.A. with his wife and how you could watch them prepare the food in front of you. This inspired the song.
    **dedicated to Jerry Seinfeld who performed the previous evening (it was Elaine's "song".)
    ***he talked about meeting a beautiful blonde woman in an Aspen bar who was from Czechosvlakia and who made the journey from Eastern Europe to the U.S. He helped her fix up her place.
    ****Don introduced one of the guys as being from "way up north, Amarillo, Texas" and how that might actually make him a yankee (!) Hopefully no one from the panhandle heard that as it may cause a riot, lol.

    At some point someone got in trouble for taking pictures. I was paranoid about it and my pics turned out lousy. Special treat was that I got to meet fellow borderer and Randfan, East Texas Girl! We talked a bit after the concert.

    All in all it was a great night and a great show. I enjoyed Steuart Smith's guitar solo on "Witchy Woman" but my first thought when I heard it was "Hey, that's Glenn's solo!" I know that sounds silly and irrational--someone has to play it at Don's shows--but that was just my initial gut reaction, that it belongs to Glenn. Also, I saw there was a 3/4 full moon when we walked outside and it reminded me of "Talking to the Moon", which I listened to many, many times late at night in my room, when I was growing up in my own "sleepy little town down in Texas." I'm so glad I got to hear him perform it live.

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    It was Erica he was saying Yankee about.

    I love that we got the ShoutOut line from Life in the Fast Lane. Are you with me so far. We didn't get it in Austin.

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border Delilah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    Quote Originally Posted by shunlvswx View Post
    It was Erica he was saying Yankee about.

    I love that we got the ShoutOut line from Life in the Fast Lane. Are you with me so far. We didn't get it in Austin.
    Ok thanks for the clarification. Somehow I got it mixed up. Yes, it was cool to hear that on LITFL. I managed to get that on audio.

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    I don't think Don has ever played on drums on Desperado in his solo show and its been since the 90s for the Eagles.

    Don rarely plays drums in his solo show. Its been since the 90s.

  7. #7
    Border Desperado jms18222's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    Thanks for the reviews. Sounds like you had an awesome time. I finally got my answer about the lemons.

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    They really didn't have security up in our area. She was going up and down the stairs to bring people in, but that's it. So I did get some pictures and I got a few songs on my phone. They're not video just audio. I had my phone in my lap and got some songs. It turned out good.

    Here's a review from the show.

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    Lily was That Old Flame. Lara was It Don't Matter To the Sun. You did get Erica right.

    I love Lara's voice. Its deep and nice. I remembered her from Rock the Cradle, but who would had thought she would be singing with Don years later. Those ladies are soo lucky to have a great boss. I wish I had the voice to sing backup. I sing in the choir but my voice is not that strong. I wonder if Don ever bumped into the Doobie Brothers back in the day.

    Don has some amazing musicians. Of course we know Will, Michael, Scotty and Steuart from the Eagles, but I always thought they were family. We don't have many stars where the fans know the backup musicians names. Heck or even care who they are. I'm so happy they stayed with Don after the Eagles ended. I always felt bad for Lance since we only see him when he touring with Don

    I love Don's speaking voice. I'm still can't believe that he has this baritone voice and sings tenor. I don't know how he does it. I know singing like that for 50 years has took a toll on his voice, but I love his still has that wonderful voice.
    This really has been a great 3 days. I never thought I would ever see Don.
    Last edited by shunlvswx; 05-10-2017 at 09:39 AM.

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border LuvTim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Don Henley - Smart Financial Center in Sugarland, TX- January 15, 2017

    So happy for you guys that you got to see Don!

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