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Thread: Backup Band and Additional Musicians

  1. #1
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Backup Band and Additional Musicians

    I was reading some comments in another thread about Will Hollis, and it occurred to me that we need a thread for backup band members. So we can use this thread to talk about any of the backup band, past or present. Just in case anyone is not familiar with them, the present touring band includes the following members:

    Scott Crago – Drums and Percussion
    Will Hollis – Keyboards, Vocals
    Steuart Smith – Guitar, Vocals
    Michael Thompson – Keyboards, Accordion, Vocals
    Richard F. W. Davis - Keyboards, Vocals*

    “The Mighty Horns”:
    Les Lovitt – Trumpet**
    Al Garth – Saxophone, Violin, Percussion
    Chris Mostert – Tenor and Alto Saxophone
    Greg Smith – Baritone Saxophone


    *Richard F. W. Davis co-produced The Long Road Out of Eden album and joined the touring band at the onset of The Long Road Out of Eden tour in 2007.

    **Les Lovitt replaced Bill Armstrong who passed away on March 17, 2010.
    Last edited by Ive always been a dreamer; 01-06-2011 at 11:41 AM.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  2. #2
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    I’ll start this thread with a story about Will that is a little off color, but true, nonetheless. The first time I ever saw Will up close was at Glenn’s solo show at Casino Rama. Will, Al, and some others were having dinner in the same restaurant that we were. Now, in addition to “Sugar”, some of us had bestowed some other nicknames on Glenn including “Smokin’ Hot A$$” (a.k.a. SHA). When we first saw Will in the restaurant, he was up at the dessert buffet. One of the ladies in our party, almost gasp when she spotted him. Her mouth flew wide open and her eyes were as big as saucers. I had no idea what she had seen until I looked over and saw for myself. Will looked so drop-dead gorgeous standing at that dessert bar that we decided he had earned the nickname “Smokin’ Hot A$$, Jr.”

    Soda, PLS, and I also got a chance to talk to Will, Scott, Michael, and Al this past August in Niagara Falls. We talked to them for a while, and they were all really sweet to us.

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border
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    To say I'm envious would be an understatement.

    I suspect this will be a thread where we can post photos of the backing band, as I have some from F1 which are very nice, mainly of Will, Steuart and Scott.

  4. #4
    Moderator Ive always been a dreamer's Avatar
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    You won't hear me complain if you post pictures, that's for sure!!!

    "People don't run out of dreams: People just run out of time ..."
    Glenn Frey 11/06/1948 - 01/18/2016

  5. #5
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    What a great story Dreamer! I too am envious! I LOVE the nicknames! Particularly the one for Sugar!

    And I never object to seeing pics either! So post away!
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border timfan's Avatar
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    Meeting Will, Scott, Micheal and Al at Niagara Falls this past summer was great.

    I always remember before the second show we were standing up by the stage and Micheal ( whom Dreamer, Soda and PLS had met the night before) walked right up to me and introduced himself... it was so cute! and of course my encounter with Al in the elevator but actually later on in the bar I talked to Al quite a bit; about his career over the years, how he has been with Glenn since 1982 and was with Timothy in Poco. We also discussed his work with the Nitty Gritty Dirt band, Loggins and Messina and Dan Fogelberg. It was a very enlightening conversation!

  7. #7
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Very cool stories, dreamer and timfan! I had heard bits and pieces, but hadn't heard the nickname! Very appropriate! Now I'm so

    And I don't object to pics either! Bring 'em on!
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
    1948-2016 Gone but not forgotten

  8. #8
    Border Rebel StephUK's Avatar
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    Yes please - post some photo's of the band.
    I have lots of Will Hollis from Farewell 1, but I'd be pleased to see other people's favourites too.
    When I am able to post(I'm new to the board at present) I will post any that I have which are different to yours.

    p.s. Will deserves the name "Smokin' ass jr".
    He's in every one of my fantasies!


  9. #9
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    What is great about these guys is how approachable they are to anyone.

    My first encounter was with Jonathan Clark in 2006. He was very nice to PLS and me when we ran into him.

    In 2006 at Casino Rama, I embarrassed myself in an elevator with Will Hollis and Danny Grenier, and was rewarded with Danny pointing at me and mouthing "elevator" at the show the next night. Fun times. lol

    As has been stated, in Niagara Falls a few months ago, I got a chance to talk to Al, Will, Scott, and Michael at the bar after the show Thursday. I asked Al Garth if that was really him in the "I Found Somebody" video... he said he couldn't remember! lol!

    Michael Thompson was especially sweet. I teasingly asked him to wave to us from the stage on Friday night and he did! What a doll! I was going to thank him after the show, but once we got that dedication from Glenn my brain stopped functioning properly. If I ever see Michael again, I'm going to try to make up for my oversight!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  10. #10
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Some photos:

    Al Garth

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

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