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Thread: Eagles.... 3.0

  1. #31
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    Would a billing of "Henley, Walsh & Schmit (formerly of Eagles)" be much better?

  2. #32
    Border Troubadour
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    You know, in one of Don's interviews to New Zealand radio he did not rule out the Eagles never playing again definitively unlike previous statements so I guess Irving has been weighing him down.

    I agree with UTW. I still don't think they'll call themselves the Eagles though. Maybe, individual names with the added 'formerly of the Eagles'. Don has too much respect for Glenn to blightly disregard his contribution by simply carrying on the name regardless. I think we should all take a step back and wait for an official announcement and find out if it is actually true in the first place.
    ...Well it sure makes you wonder the things that some people will say. They can see black and white but they don't seem to notice the grey...

  3. #33
    Stuck on the Border VAisForEagleLovers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    Hi, everyone! Just adding my 'two cents worth' here... I have to admit, my initial reaction was one of complete horror. However, Don was pretty vocal during his interviews leading up to his recent and upcoming shows that ‘occasional’ shows with the three of them together (or four if Bernie is with them) were a possibility. I was hoping it would be for a benefit concert or something. This… This is not my cup of tea. I’d have to wait and see how the tickets were done, but the chances of getting a good seat are slim, and that’s assuming it’s not standing-only on the field itself. This is sunburn or thunder storms, or both, and listening to bands I probably don’t want to hear for hours while sitting in a crappy seat after paying a fortune for hotel and other travel expenses (if they do it over July 4th holiday, airfare will be unreasonable). Then after all that, when the band I want to see gets on stage—there’s that big hole in the middle. That key voice that isn’t there. They’d have to hope I have a crappy seat, because three notes into it and I’d burst into tears, and that’s probably not the feedback they’re looking for from the audience (just a guess, lol).

    I’m sure they’d handle the show with respect, tact, and grace, and while I do not want to see them picking up the reins of the Eagles like it doesn’t matter if Glenn is here or not, to do a few shows here and there is fine. I just wish they’d have chosen better venues and something more fan-centric to the Eagles and not Classic Rock as a whole, especially as this is a ticket scalper’s wet dream. I just can’t see me spending a lot of money for an experience I likely won’t enjoy, and it feels like a massive money grab for the organizers. I’d like to support our guys in this, but I don’t see how it will be possible. I guess we’ll see what the announcement is. I suppose going to LA will eliminate most of the possibility of getting rained on.

    As for using the name ‘Eagles’, as I put on Facebook, for these guys, Glenn will be there on stage with them. Everything he brought to the band will be there with them, and he’ll still be the leader, his voice will be in their heads through rehearsals and all of it. Consequently, I think it would be a sign of disrespect if they didn’t use the name Eagles, and I’m positive Glenn would agree. Even if they don’t use the name, everyone else will.

    You can't change the world but you can change yourself.

  4. #34
    Stuck on the Border NightMistBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    OT: Hello, stranger! Good to see you again, VAisForEagleLovers.

  5. #35
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    Well, again, I keep in mind that nothing has been confirmed...

    But I vehemently disagree with VA in terms of the name. I would not want them to call themselves the Eagles when Glenn isn't there... because they're not the Eagles without him.

    As far as for "what Glenn would want" - I don't presume to know that.

    However, I do know that the last time they thought about touring under the name "Eagles" without him, he threatened to sue...

    I agree with VA though that the press will use the name "Eagles" regardless. Maybe they can have their cake and eat it too; still get the press associated with the band without technically performing under the moniker.

    I'm just having these horrible visions of the press using photos of the band with Glenn cropped out and the word "EAGLES ARE BACK" splashed across them in celebratory fashion...

    Again, waiting for the announcement.

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  6. #36
    Border Desperado Philh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    Rolling Stone mag says the news has been confirmed by a close source but
    I will wait for something official.
    I can't see a problem in going out with The Eagles name as all bands do this, as long as Cindy ok's it.

  7. #37
    Border Rebel secret squirrel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    And confirmation from UCR:

    I'm shocked and don't know how I would feel about seeing the Eagles without Glenn because he and Don *were* the Eagles to me.


  8. #38
    Border Troubadour
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    I would much prefer any 'Eagle' activity to be something either to commemorate Glenn or raise money for causes he cared for or what ultimately claimed his life; but I will comment further when we know the details for sure.

    As for 'carrying on is what most other bands do', it is when you are either very young and have years to recover or relatively minor in the grand scale of things. The fact is is that Glenn was the leader (and let's be honest, he was more so than Henley) of the Eagles for over four decades and contributed substantially to their success, and that they themselves are all now very rapidly pushing 70. I just can't imagine any other band of the Eagles's calibre and age reuniting and finding a substitute if the same tragedy befell them. Look at how quickly it's all fallen apart for AC/DC of late: back when they were young they just replaced Bon Scott with Brian Johnson; now they've lost three (four?) members to health problems or retirement in the space of a few years and I personally think it would have been much better for them to simply call it quits than patch over increasingly bigger cracks...

  9. #39
    Border Desperado Philh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    I Agree with the previous post about Glenn and he could never be replaced and the Eagles without him could never be the same. His huge talents and humour would be sorely missed. However to see the remaining Eagles together perhaps including Bernie would be the next best thing at this stage.

  10. #40
    Stuck on the Border Annoying Twit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles.... 3.0

    I may look as if I am anchoring, but I want to see a both named and reliable source confirming this before I believe it.

    Then I'll speak about other things.

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