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Thread: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

  1. #1
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    I didn't get to go to this show, but I think Austin/WF did.

    Here's a review from the St. Louis Post Dispatch. Sounds like a great time!

    Austin, we'd like to hear your thoughts! I'm sure you will when you get time!
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  2. #2
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Thanks Brooke - As I am going to the show in Newark I found this review very interesting. I must admit I'm more looking forward to seeing Joe (and his tribute to Glenn ) than Petty though I do know some of the latters music. Depending on the evening I might just go after Joes set - so much to do in a night in NYC!
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  3. #3
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Thanks for the link!

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  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Hello all!

    Yes, I was at this show...what a show...

    Joe came on first of course and it was a treat to be front row and get to see him play. He played a lot of different guitars throughout and told occasional jokes.

    Joe played a pretty darn good set. I think my favorite of the night besides Life's Been Good was hearing Oridinary Average Guy, always loved that song.

    A Nashville session guitarist who I know is his guitar player for this tour, Tom Bukovac. They played well together and Tom got a few solos to play.

    Tom Petty's set was really, really good. I think he did a great job. I was slightly disappinted they dropped "You Wreck Me', when they had just played it the show prior and long before that". Instead they played a request of someone who knew Tom that was there, evidently. You Wreck Me is one of my faves. Actually, the Wildflowers solo record (which still featured some Heartbreakers) is something I preferred to a lot of Heartbreakers albums. You Don't Know How It Feels is another favorite from that record and he DID play that. It's probably my favorite. Mike Campbell was on fire. Tom told the occasional story between songs.

    Hearing Joe Walsh and Mike Campbell in the same night was a treat for this guitar player. Certainly well worth it and I really enjoyed the concert. Definitely in my top lists of shows I've seen. I thought it was pretty remarkable actually.

    I went to a guitar store in STL the next day on the way home and the guy there was at the show during soundcheck as Joe and him are friends. Lets just say Joe wasn't in the best of moods that day, and was giving the band a hard time. None of us are perfect and there will be days like that. But certainly interesting to hear.

  5. #5
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Thanks for filling us in, Austin! I'm glad you enjoyed both shows! Too bad Joe wasn't having a good day though.

    I would have loved to hear You Wreck Me, too and would have been disappointed had I been there! So glad you got to go. My brother was there in the 6th row.

    Hubs and I decided it was just too expensive when you count gas, hotel, food, and such. I think most all concerts are getting too expensive for us these days.
    "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along"
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  6. #6
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Glad you had such a good time! I'm sorry to hear Joe was in such a bad mood, but I'm glad it didn't affect his performance. You know, I got the vibe that he wasn't in a good mood at the Memphis show either. Maybe he's just tired.

    Re:Petty - It certainly sucks when they drop a song you like! What was the replacement song?

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

  7. #7
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Glad you had such a good time! I'm sorry to hear Joe was in such a bad mood, but I'm glad it didn't affect his performance. You know, I got the vibe that he wasn't in a good mood at the Memphis show either. Maybe he's just tired.

    Re:Petty - It certainly sucks when they drop a song you like! What was the replacement song?
    Yeah he told some jokes but you could tell he wasn't in the best of moods but he still killed it and played and sang well. I also wondered if he wasn't burnt out.

    The replacement song wasn't even a TP song, it was a cover of the Chuck Berry song "Carol", because that was one of the songs they played when they started out and evidentally this guy knew that. It was a good cover, and tribute to Chuck. I still missed YWM though.

  8. #8
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post
    Hello all!

    Yes, I was at this show...what a show...

    Joe came on first of course and it was a treat to be front row and get to see him play. He played a lot of different guitars throughout and told occasional jokes.

    Joe played a pretty darn good set. I think my favorite of the night besides Life's Been Good was hearing Oridinary Average Guy, always loved that song.

    A Nashville session guitarist who I know is his guitar player for this tour, Tom Bukovac. They played well together and Tom got a few solos to play.

    Tom Petty's set was really, really good. I think he did a great job. I was slightly disappinted they dropped "You Wreck Me', when they had just played it the show prior and long before that". Instead they played a request of someone who knew Tom that was there, evidently. You Wreck Me is one of my faves. Actually, the Wildflowers solo record (which still featured some Heartbreakers) is something I preferred to a lot of Heartbreakers albums. You Don't Know How It Feels is another favorite from that record and he DID play that. It's probably my favorite. Mike Campbell was on fire. Tom told the occasional story between songs.

    Hearing Joe Walsh and Mike Campbell in the same night was a treat for this guitar player. Certainly well worth it and I really enjoyed the concert. Definitely in my top lists of shows I've seen. I thought it was pretty remarkable actually.

    I went to a guitar store in STL the next day on the way home and the guy there was at the show during soundcheck as Joe and him are friends. Lets just say Joe wasn't in the best of moods that day, and was giving the band a hard time. None of us are perfect and there will be days like that. But certainly interesting to hear.
    He's got a difficult decision of playing only the hits or something else. He hasn't even been able to play a lot of the hits because the set is so centered around Full Moon Fever and Wildflowers the last 3 tours. He's played You Wreck Me at pretty much every concert since 1994, so I'm ok with him dropping it if other songs can get in the rotation, even if its a great song.

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Quote Originally Posted by thekidreturns View Post
    He's got a difficult decision of playing only the hits or something else. He hasn't even been able to play a lot of the hits because the set is so centered around Full Moon Fever and Wildflowers the last 3 tours. He's played You Wreck Me at pretty much every concert since 1994, so I'm ok with him dropping it if other songs can get in the rotation, even if its a great song.
    Well, I'm not ok with it because I've never seen a show of his before because it wasn't possible til now...You Wreck Me, as far as I'm concerned, is his BEST song by far and I was upset because I didn't hear it. To each their own but for me this is not cool.

  10. #10
    Out on the Border
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    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-St. Louis May 12, 2017

    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post
    Well, I'm not ok with it because I've never seen a show of his before because it wasn't possible til now...You Wreck Me, as far as I'm concerned, is his BEST song by far and I was upset because I didn't hear it. To each their own but for me this is not cool.
    That's understandable. Personally I stopped wanting to see him live because he's played 90% of the same songs every time I've seen him. But I can understand the frustration of not hearing a particular hit. He's got to walk the line of playing the big hits, while also not becoming stale, and with how many hits he has it's difficult. Like the fact that he's only playing one song from Damn the Torpedoes, which is recognized as the bands best work. Especially when this is supposed to be TP&THB 40th anniversary tour, and they are playing 70 percent from two of his solo albums they only marginally contributed to.

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