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Thread: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty Prudential Center Newark NJ 16 June 2017

  1. #1
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    ... On a journey from innocence to experience..... In Ireland!

    Default Joe Walsh/Tom Petty Prudential Center Newark NJ 16 June 2017

    I'm home just over a week and really should have done this sooner but things have been very busy here!
    Anyway better late than never.
    As some of you know, I won a 3-day holiday in Atlantic City so when I heard that Joe planned to back up Tom Petty we decided to take the holiday 2 weeks ago and tag on Joes show. We were NOT disappointed.

    We arrived well on time but security was a nightmare as there were long lines at every entrance. However we made it in just as Joe was starting and were in our seats as he sang OAG. Not too bad.
    Seats were at the back of the first tier but we had a great head on view of him.
    Set list was
    Ordinary Average Guy
    Mother Says
    The Bomber/ Closet Queen/ Bolero/ Cast Your Fate to the Wind
    Take It to the Limit
    Turn to Stone
    In the City
    Funk #49
    Life’s Been Good
    Rocky Mountain Way

    I'm not as familiar with some of the earlier songs on the list but I still loved watching him play., He can certainly rip his guitar apart. He was on fire for the whole show. Initially he didn't say a lot, until TITTL which as expected (and as I hoped) he dedicated to Glenn . That got a cheer and a round of applause from the crowd.
    Ravel's Bolero was a surprise to me. I have never heard it on guitar but he did an excellent job of it and I loved it.
    After TTS he apologised to all the 'Young' people in the crowd for their parents (and grandparents) bringing them to Eagles shows, and said the next song "ITC" was for the older people because they love it!!

    He also had the audience do the 'ugh' thing during LBG.That was very funny!!
    Naturally he concluded with RMW

    For someone just doing an opening act it was nearly like we had been at a whole show. I'm definitely glad that I took the opportunity to see a 'Joe show'.

    I got some pictures which I will post later on today or tomorrow and I recorded the Glenn tribute so I will try to post that too

    I should also add that I bought the obligatory t-shirt and a set of JW guitar picks. BUT I paid $20 for the 2017 set and when we got back to the hotel realised they were a 2015 set which were selling for $15
    Last edited by Glennsallnighter; 06-26-2017 at 08:24 AM.
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  2. #2
    Moderator Glennsallnighter's Avatar
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    ... On a journey from innocence to experience..... In Ireland!

    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty Prudential Center Newark NJ 16 June 2017

    Glenn tribute by Joe
    'I must be leaving soon... its your world now'
    Glenn Frey 1948-2016 RIP

  3. #3
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Where Faulkner collides with Elvis

    Default Re: Joe Walsh/Tom Petty Prudential Center Newark NJ 16 June 2017

    Thank you for this review! Glad you got to go!

    Always in our hearts, Never forgotten

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