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I definitely don't think he's using AutoTune at all...that's just his normal voice.
I quite like his singing, I think he's far better than some give credit for. Is he Don Henley or Glenn Frey, no, but not many are, lol. I think he does justice to the tunes. I would love to see him in concert. I wish he'd tour more actually.
I was and still am a huge Felder fan, though I've grown to appreciate or at least understand Frey's opinion on the subject too. I still think it was a mistake firing him, though in recent years he's kind of proven that he can be difficult to deal with and I lost some respect for him after some of the things he did or said after Glenn passed. That's when my mindset changed some, though I still love Felder, I think he's one of the very best guitarists and underrated, even moreso than Joe, but he isn't as perfect as I once thought and I feel that maybe he wasn't so innocent, though I don't think Glenn was an angel either. I'm over it now. That said, I'll still defend him where it feels right. And this, for me, feels right.