Stuck on the Border
TBS At The One World Theatre in Austin, TX
Let me start by saying that I never take notes at concerts. I'm bad at it and I just want to watch the show, anyway, so I can't give you a professional type of review. So forget that. (I wish I were better at it!)
But to begin, the weather was great, the countryside dramatically beautiful and Timothy was in really fine form. His voice was strong and pure, and, as usual, his lovely personality was on full display. He did sing PEF for Glenn again this time and spoke very graciously of their relationship.
Joining Timothy and the band on various instruments was Doobie Brother John McFee. John played fiddle and steel guitar in addition to battling it out on guitars with Hank! (Chris and the usual gang were there, as well, rocking out with their superior skills!)
Hank and John really played their hearts out on guitar! They were sooo good.
The venue was small and intimate (300 seats) and it played right into Timothy's strengths regarding interplay between him and the audience. He made full eye contact and he smiled that smile-you know that thing that he does where looks a little shy or slightly embarrassed, and he cocks his head to one side a little, and then he does that little grin, and looks down a second, maybe? Uh, not that I've been paying all that much attention, or anything. 
Just fyi, I think he sang the line, "everybody just wants to have a good day," directly into my shining face, and it was just for me, and I think he sang it with more love than usual, too. Sang that line with just so much love
, he did. Yes sir, it gets a little fuzzy there because I think I might have passed out a little, but I still feel it very strongly, so it must be true.
Yes, now I know that's exactly how I remember it. Sooo, yep, pretty much one of the best nights of my life, and I've had a pretty good life. (LOL... couldn't resist that one.)*
There was a little girl in the audience, and Timothy sweetly asked her name, then asked us in the front seats to pass her a guitar pick. The guy beside me grabbed it pretty quickly- I didn't have a chance!! That little girl was the cutest kid- it's no wonder she charmed Timothy, as she obviously did, and she was surely charmed, as well. He has a new fan, for sure!! 
*I hope you'll forgive my silliness here, but we all had so much fun! Timmy is such a talented sweetie!

Last edited by LuvTim; 12-12-2017 at 12:53 PM.
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It's all in your smile that brings
All of the special things about you
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