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I take offense to the idea that the people who attend these concerts feel as if Glenn is replaceable and that anyone can sing his songs. Even though the band is going by "Eagles" for obvious reasons, this is not an Eagles concert. It is as close as anything could possibly come, but it's not that. Eagles concerts had Glenn's jokes and his band introductions and the dueling guitars between Joe and Glenn and a frontman and a master of ceremonies and a narrator and...Glenn.
It's ridiculous to argue that those of us who are participating in this are under some illusion that it's the same or that the differences aren't noticeable and palpable. I, personally, could take or leave Vince Gill. He happens to be an awesome singer and musician, and I do love his version of "Take it to the Limit." But for most of his songs, I'm waiting for the next Don, Joe, Tim or Deacon song.
Deacon, by the way, is great. He takes it seriously and he wants to do well and it's clear that it means a lot for him to honor his father. Through his social media posts, it doesn't appear he's most interested in performing rock music for the rest of his life. But he's doing this for his dad and for his other "extended family" members in the band, and I'll never have anything approaching a negative word to say about him.
My position is that if you never saw the Eagles with Glenn and you attend one of these concerts, you can't really say you saw the Eagles. I happened to attend 30 Eagles concerts with Glenn, and I'm continuing to count the shows I've seen and will see without him as part of the total. But I'm not delusional. These shows happen to be really awesome, but it's not the same.
Nobody can be Glenn. Only Glenn is Glenn. Please give me and the others continuing to support the band credit for understanding that. Not a single person on this board has said they prefer this version of the band. We're going because we like it, not because it's better or in a show of disrespect to the man who made it possible in the first place.