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Just to be clear: you can buy one seat as long as it doesn't leave a single seat isolated when you do so. In other words, if there's an empty seat on either side of a pair, you can't buy one of those seats; if there's three seats in a row available, you can't buy the one in the middle.*
It's a crap rule, because if the venue is truly gonna be a sell out, there's no reason for it. Why do I have less of a right to sit there because I don't have a date? As if single people don't have enough societal stigma and negative crap to deal with already. I say this not because I want to go, obviously, but just as a matter of principle.
Unless the band are seriously afraid that the two seats will not sell to two single people, there's no reason why those two single people don't deserve to be closer than John and Mary when they got there first. John and Mary can have their special moments further back, and next time, buy their tickets sooner.
*The other time you typically can't buy a single seat is when it's a "verified resale" ticket because those are essentially scalper tickets, but it's been that way for ages.