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Thread: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

  1. #21
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by YoungEaglesFan View Post
    I apologize for using the word evil. In my opinion if they had done that it would have been shameful behavior so I just used evil mindlessly to describe it. I view tricking the public as pretty bad so it wasn’t a huge step in my mind. I understand how it could and does mischaracterize what you said.
    Thank you, YEF. It just upsets me when someone chastises me for supposedly doing something and then they follow it up by doing the same exact thing I was being chastised for. Apology accepted. When I get home later tonight I’ll address your post in full.

  2. #22
    Moderator Brooke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    All I can say is money talks, even to millionaires evidently! I guess Don needs to put some away for that grandson! As if he isn't already set for life!

    Deacon might want some for himself, but I'm sure Glenn took good care of his kids already too!
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  3. #23
    Stuck on the Border Delilah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by FreyFollower View Post
    Even if they were trying to keep prices down, the cost of touring with such a production (46 piece orchestra and 22 member choir) will be tremendous. Although plenty would like to go, I wonder if there will be enough people, (especially in cities where they have been recently), who can justify paying what these tickets will have to cost. What people are willing to spend in Vegas for what they believe is a one time event is not the same.
    Ticket prices are one reason I am not sure about going. Just have wait and see until October 18, I suppose. Maybe as a gesture to the fans, Henley and Co. will stipulate that the prices be in line with previous tours, despite the increased production costs.

    By the time they play in Houston again, it will be almost two years since they have performed here. Previously they played at Minute Maid Stadium, the next time will be Toyota Center, which is an arena. It looks like they are scaling down the venues, although they are playing 2 nights at each.

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  4. #24
    Stuck on the Border Delilah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by YoungEaglesFan View Post
    I apologize for using the word evil. In my opinion if they had done that it would have been shameful behavior so I just used evil mindlessly to describe it. I view tricking the public as pretty bad so it wasn’t a huge step in my mind. I understand how it could and does mischaracterize what you said.
    Thank you for explaining this, although it is still sad that accusations of trickery are being lobbed at Glenn’s sons, if that is indeed the case.

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  5. #25
    Administrator sodascouts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Maybe as a gesture to the fans, Henley and Co. will stipulate that the prices be in line with previous tours, despite the increased production costs.
    Anyone want to take a bet on the likelihood of this happening?

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  6. #26
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Anyone want to take a bet on the likelihood of this happening?
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... er, you weren't serious, were you?

  7. #27
    Stuck on the Border Delilah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by sodascouts View Post
    Anyone want to take a bet on the likelihood of this happening?
    One can dream...

    Right or wrong, what’s done is done
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  8. #28

    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by WalshFan88 View Post
    Thank you, YEF. It just upsets me when someone chastises me for supposedly doing something and then they follow it up by doing the same exact thing I was being chastised for. Apology accepted. When I get home later tonight I’ll address your post in full.
    It’s a fair criticism, I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was angry or anything, I just thought what Don was saying had been misconstrued. Unless he made statement I wasn’t aware of, which is possible

  9. #29
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by YoungEaglesFan View Post
    I think words are being put in Henley’s mouth. I could be wrong but since the classic concerts, I don’t think he ever said it was the end. He just said it’s near the end and he doesn’t really know what’s going to happen. They are wait and see mode at this point.

    Henley's history with what he says and does is shaky at best, honestly. He keeps saying it could be their last. Even in the recent interview he alluded to the fact that even he knows he keeps saying it. So he's cognizant of the fact he keeps using that as leverage, for what - who cares. He has never come out and said this will be it. He's never pulled a Motley Crue and signed a legal document forbidding the band from playing after this tour. Every time it comes time to promote a tour, or a residency he always makes some people feel like "this must be it". Chasing his tail!

    I don’t think it’s fair at all to think deacon and Otis are onto to some evil tricks now to promote the tour. The tour doesn’t need promoting and not many people are seeing Otis and deacons post. Most eagles fans aren’t tuned into what they are saying. Unless you are on here or follow their accounts, you wouldn’t know about it. That’s not many people and barely any are attending the concerts. I can understand not liking don and his ways, but it’s an insult to Glenn’s parenting in my opinion to insinuate they would do that.

    I've already straightened out the evil tricks insinuation, but I'll just say I've never used the word evil to describe Deacon or Otis's actions. I DO think it's rather interesting at best, if not laughable at worst that those two are so active on social media. Maybe you aren't in the loop, but people DO follow Otis on IG now. If you happen to be on Facebook, almost every Eagles group has screenshots from Otis' (and Deacon's) IG stories where Otis is interacting with fans, doing Q&A's about the tour, and trying like hell to bring more people into the fold. I think you might be surprised just how much this influence can have on those who are of the age that are familiar with social media and technology. Not only with just young millennial fans, but with people in their 40s/50s who happen to love social networking as well. Otis doesn't have an official title yet, but as far as I'm concerned, he's like their PR meets promotional assistant now. Recently in one of the Eagles groups, a group went to see the new Eagles in Vegas, saw Otis after the show, talked to him, and he ended up going to lunch the next day with them. There was pics to prove it. If you want to know the name of the FB group, PM me and I'll gladly send you the link. It's a nice gesture of Otis, but he's actually doing a lot for them to try to stay relevant. As far as Glenn's parenting, I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that I'm somehow knocking it. I just think that Deacon didn't make the best of decisions when he saw what was on the table.

    I don’t really see this recent tour extension as anything different. Since they went again they’ve at every step of the way, done the same thing. Do a couple test shows, see the market and then take it out to the country. This band doesn’t need or rely on tricks to get people to show up. From my experience I think they sound good and the people that show up think so too. I don’t think it’s fair to say the band is doing this at the expense of their performance. They don’t sound as good as they did 20 years ago but that’s true of every band and I think the current show is up to their standards.

    I actually agree with the first part of this comment. But, it's more of the same and yes - a Glenn-less Eagles is no Eagles to me. Especially even more so to someone who thinks at times that Glenn WAS the Eagles. Obviously I'm probably alone in that or with a very small minority. But even the GF fans who aren't as extreme with their bias as I am still agree that Glenn was too important to the band to replace or move on without him. For me the guy really ran the show. Everyone loves Don's vocals. Myself included. But Glenn was a frontman, an entertainer, and a MC. He wore all the hats and he was far more interesting to listen to talk than Don Henley. He was funny, charismatic, and nowhere near as stuffy. There was far less proselytizing with Glenn Frey. For someone like me who isn't religious or philosophical, listening to Don go on and on and listen to his rants is like a root canal. His rant songs were usually passable because I liked the music. I somewhat agree with the fact that it isn't hurting their vocals or music yet in terms of Don or any of the rest's musical ability. But their show isn't in the same stratosphere without Glenn. That's where the standard has really slipped. You can't just take the most important ingredient out of a gumbo and expect it to be 95% as good as the original recipe, can you? IMO no.

    I understand the concern about not having many or the crucial members of a lineup. The fact of the matter is though, if Glenn were still around and he did this, they wouldn’t be much further along. NKIT would be more legitimate but the backup vocals would still be off and the lead guitar parts from Felder wouldn’t be his. I don’t think Glenn’s absence outside of NKIT, is really a difference maker. I don’t see the eagles continuation with a key member as being particularly unique and it’s quite common on the rock scene. Both now and in the past. I’m not trying to bring up old conversations but I feel with new updates warrants more conversation.

    I agree that it wouldn't be much further along as far as replicating Hotel California front to back, but I'm not talking about playing HC at this point, YEF. I'm talking about them playing as "Eagles', period. As a band, they would be MUCH further along with Glenn. You could add Randy, Bernie, and Felder to the 3.0 band right now, keep everyone that was already there, and all 3 of those former members combined coming back wouldn't have as big of an impact to the band's quality as simply just having Glenn back. I know this sounds harsh, but there is a much bigger difference moving on without Frey than moving on without Meisner/Leadon/Felder. There was a legit Eagles without those 3. There is not a legit Eagles without the leader and co-founder. Obviously some here won't agree with me, and that's just fine. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, YEF. I'm not that deluded to think that could ever happen. I'm ok with that!
    YEF - I've responded to each point in the original quote. I've bolded my replies for clarity.

  10. #30
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Eagles to take Hotel California on the road in 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by FreyFollower View Post
    Even if they were trying to keep prices down, the cost of touring with such a production (46 piece orchestra and 22 member choir) will be tremendous. Although plenty would like to go, I wonder if there will be enough people, (especially in cities where they have been recently), who can justify paying what these tickets will have to cost. What people are willing to spend in Vegas for what they believe is a one time event is not the same.
    Not only why would you pay such exorbitant prices - why on earth would you pay that much to them to see them as they are now without Glenn? Especially considering that I wouldn't even be able to afford it to the point where I wouldn't feel guilty about paying that much, and that's even if Glenn was still alive! So I surely am not paying it to see a watered down Eagles-lite show. I think that eventually they will be forced to lower their prices. And I think that Henley and/or Irving will do that, but only when push comes to shove and it starts affecting their bottom line. Until then, you gotta pay to play. And I'm sitting this game out!

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