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Thread: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

  1. #1
    Stuck on the Border KingWalsh's Avatar
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    Default Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    Guys and gals I don't know where to begin with this one. Hard to read and really don't see why he had to make this public. brutal.

  2. #2
    Stuck on the Border CAinOH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    Grouchy old man. There's a lot of that going around...

  3. #3
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    Wow ! Terrible that he talks like that about two men who are dead and can not defend themselves. What a jerk ! CA - grouchy old man for sure. Thanks for posting KF. And, I agree KF, why state this now - all these years later.

  4. #4
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    Pete Townsend is such a prick.

    Here's the thing - I really love his rhythm guitar style, but literally after the 70s he's been a spoil sport. Then there is the child pornography thing that he got himself out of (not getting into it any deeper, just google for more info). I had the chance to see them on their last tour last year and I declined. I refuse to see someone I once admired up there either going through the motions or acting all PO'ed because he had to be there. Ungrateful to say the least. If it weren't for the fans and for your bandmates, you wouldn't be talking so big Pete. To make an intentional pun - who are you Pete? You're a famous guitarist. That's all.

    He's a dirty, grouchy, and arrogant old man. Nothing more nothing less. How Roger Daltrey put up with him for so long is beyond me. IMO, Pete was the one with Lead Singer's Disease. He thought he was just so much better than all the rest. How miserable he must have been to play music with, let alone be around. People like that are insufferable and bring everyone down with them. It's still disappointing to hear it.

    And this is really nothing to be upset about for 99 percent of people - but I didn't care for his guitar destruction of the 60s/70s. Yes, other people have done it, largely because HE started it (I'm looking at you Paul Stanley!). But most bands break the cheap import guitars and throw them in the crowd or try to sell them for large amounts of money as a VIP thing (still got my eyes on you Paul!). But Pete destroyed high quality Gibson and Fender guitars. Those guitars would be worth literally thousands and thousands of dollars now. They were cherished pieces. Sure, back then they were what they had and hindsight is 20/20, but there still even then when they weren't these historical pieces, no good reason to destroy them. Give them to a kid in the crowd if you want to make a moment onstage (Like Keith Urban does, love that guy!). Even if it's a cheaper guitar, give them to a young kid in the audience! Or sell them intact if you are in fact that greedy (cough Paul Stanley cough). But don't destroy a working guitar. It's just dumb. Straight up.

    Two wrongs don't make a right, yada yada - but I'd rather Roger, Keith, and John be here and they can have Pete. Pete is so full of himself and unappreciative and TBH, concerning with what you can read of him. Pete takes the "get off my lawn" syndrome and takes it to a whole other level. A dirty, nasty level that is intentional. It's more than just senility/bitterness. Not just sour grapes and being jaded. This is just mean.

    I won't mourn his loss!

  5. #5
    Stuck on the Border shunlvswx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    I don't remember the story well, but was him or Jimmy Page that Joe was mad at for selling his guitar he gave to them? Like I said. I don't remember how the story goes, but I remember something.

    Brothers for life. RIP Glenn

    I'm not sure I believe in fate, but I know that crossing paths with Glenn Lewis Frey in 1970 changed my life forever, and it eventually had an impact on the lives of millions of other people all over the planet. It will be very strange going forward in a world without him in it. But, I will be grateful, every day, that he was in my life. Rest in peace, my brother. You did what you set out to do, and then some." -Don Henley

  6. #6
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    Quote Originally Posted by shunlvswx View Post
    I don't remember the story well, but was him or Jimmy Page that Joe was mad at for selling his guitar he gave to them? Like I said. I don't remember how the story goes, but I remember something.
    It was Pete.

  7. #7
    Border Troubadour FreyFollower's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    Quote Originally Posted by KingWalsh View Post
    Guys and gals I don't know where to begin with this one. Hard to read and really don't see why he had to make this public. brutal.
    I agree, KW, that was just downright hateful, with nary an iota of consideration for their family or fans. Maybe a "We never worked well together", or something along those lines....but saying the things he did was beyond crass.
    "Be part of something good--
    Leave something good behind."

  8. #8
    Stuck on the Border KingWalsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    I agree, FF...and everyone. I heard that story too, regarding the guitar Joe have him. I just can’t believe the disregard he has for both. It’s unreal.

  9. #9
    Stuck on the Border
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    To expand on the Pete/Joe guitar thing.

    Pete was struggling to find the sound in the studio for what became the "Who's Next" album. You know, the album that had the CSI theme song on it.

    He was using Gibson SG Specials (with P-90 pickups) and Hiwatt 100 watt stacks. Hiwatts were basically modified Marshalls to be a little less distorted sounding at high volumes than a Marshall. Still crunchy but not as grungy sounding. He was getting tired of this guitar and amp combination. He'd used it on Tommy and the record before that and was looking for a new sound to help him write parts or whole songs with.

    So his buddy Joe hooked him up with a Gretsch 6120 guitar and a Fender Tweed era 1958 Narrow Panel Bandmaster with 3 10 inch speakers in a combo cabinet. That was the guitar sound on Won't Get Fooled Again, Bargain, etc. That open yet crunchy guitar tone/sound. Big sounding open guitar chords! Those guitar sounds are insanely great on that album. That big opening to Won't Get Fooled is one of my fav intros.

    Pete SOLD the Gretsch guitar. Didn't even offer it to Joe to buy, let alone do the right thing and give it back! I think Pete did keep the amp, or at least it was never said that he sold it nor has Joe said anything.

    In recent years, Joe's said he doesn't miss the guitar but the amp was the best amp that he ever had and regretted giving it to Pete and so he had Dr. Z make him a clone of what a Tweed Bandmaster was using the same circuit, transformer manufacturer, and finding speakers that sound closest as possible to a 50s amp. So basically Pete sold the guitar which Joe said he didn't miss, and kept the amp which Joe wanted. The Dr. Z amp became the Joe Walsh signature amp with Dr. Z. I don't own that model yet, but I own a Dr. Z, and I can tell you they are the best amp company going right now other than my vintage collection.

    Yeah, Pete's not a cool guy. And yes, it does make my "Who" listening experience a bit soured - even before this latest comment - which is probably a whole new low for him. I've been a combination of annoyed and squeamish at/with him for years now but this is a whole other level. If everyone around you is hard to work with, maybe it's time to find the common denominator and the running theme. That's you, Pete!

  10. #10
    Stuck on the Border KingWalsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pete Townshend....ouch this is bad

    Man congrats to owning a Dr Z amp Walshfan88. 🎸 I have a Line 6 Spider amp. Ha ha it serves its purpose for basement jams.

    So now Pete is back peddling and trying to save face. Ugh 🤦🏻

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